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Miejska polityka mieszkaniowa a rola rynku w zaspokajaniu potrzeb mieszkaniowych
In: Polityka i społeczeństwo: Studies in politics and society, Volume 22, Issue 1, p. 274-296
Zadania w ramach polityki mieszkaniowej stojące przed samorządami często przerastają zakres narzędzi, którymi one dysponują. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim dużych miast, gdzie kumulują się potrzeby mieszkaniowe. Pierwszym celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie w jaki sposób miasta wojewódzkie oddziałują na stopień zaspokojenia potrzeby mieszkaniowej mieszkańców. Drugi cel stanowi zaproponowanie modelu ekonometrycznego objaśniającego funkcjonowanie rynku mieszkaniowego w mieście wojewódzkim. W pracy wykorzystano metodę opisową, analizy danych statystycznych oraz metodę ilościową w postaci modelu ekonometrycznego autoregresji wektorowej. W toku badania wykazano, że władze miast wojewódzkich mogą kształtować realną politykę mieszkaniową głownie poprzez ingerencję w lokalny rynek mieszkaniowy z wykorzystaniem polityki planowania przestrzennego. Emanacją jej efektów jest liczba pozwoleń na budowę, która może wpływać na obniżenie średnich cen mieszkań w mieście wojewódzkim.
Służby mundurowe w resorcie spraw wewnętrznych: nadzór czy podległość, służby czy formacje
In: Przegla̜d policyjny: The police review, Volume 4, Issue 144, p. 202-212
ISSN: 2719-9614
Problematyka poruszona w artykule koncentruje się wokół zagadnienia dotyczącego wykładni funkcjonalnej i gramatycznej pojęć, takich jak: nadzór, podległość, służba — w tym służba mundurowa — oraz formacja. Wykładnia ww. pojęć rozpatrywana jest w kontekście służb mundurowych resortu spraw wewnętrznych. W ocenie autora, w aktualnym porządku prawnym istniejąca zależność wskazanych w artykule podmiotów w zakresie nadzoru oraz podległości wobec ministra właściwego do spraw wewnętrznych, jest zbyt mało czytelna i może rodzić trudności w jej prawidłowym postrzeganiu. Autor zwraca uwagę na fakt, że problematyka, o której mowa, co do zasady była eksponowana, ale w obszarze dotyczącym pojęcia "służba" i "formacja". Taki stan rzeczy może wynikać z tego, że pojęcia "nadzoru" oraz "podległości", odnoszące się do służb mundurowych resortu spraw wewnętrznych, rozpatrywane łącznie dotyczą zbyt ograniczonego kręgu podmiotów, które z uwagi na przyjętą hierarchiczność organów administracji rządowej, z zasady uznają nie tylko nadzór, ale również podległość ze strony organu nadrzędnego. Końcowa część artykułu stanowi swego rodzaju punkt wyjścia do szerszej dyskusji w zakresie niezbędnej nowelizacji niektórych obowiązujących aktów normatywnych.
Motivations, obstacles and complications on the path of Polish diplomacy to an alliance with Romania. Reflections on the 100th anniversary of the Polish-Romanian military alliance of 1921
In: Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie, Volume 67, p. 405-419
In: Przegla̜d policyjny: The police review, Volume 138, Issue 2, p. 330-344
ISSN: 2719-9614
The subject matter of the commentary focuses on the issue of the functional and grammatical interpretation of the notion of 'a person perform-ing a public function', which, in the author's opinion, does not directly refer to the public offi cer referred to in Article 115(13) of the Act of 6 June 1997 Penal Code. The author highlights the unjustifi ed perception of a person performing a public function by the Polish justice system as being viewed as a public offi cer as defi ned in Article 115(13) of the Penal Code. The main arguments focus on the risks arising from an overly broad in-terpretation of the concept of a person performing a public function. In fact, the lack of a defi ned set of persons performing public functions may give rise to a malfunction on the part of the entity obliged to make public informa-tion available, and thus to the constitutional principle of limiting the right to public information on the grounds of privacy.The fi nal part of the commentary is a refl ection on making public infor-mation available under the provisions of the Act of 15 July 2011 on Control in Government Administration, and a starting point for a broader discussion on the need to amend the current legal system.
The cause-and-effect relationships between the real estate market and the stock market in Poland
In: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Volume 64, Issue 8, p. 118-132
ISSN: 2392-0041
The real estate market and the stock market are two elements of the financial market. The objective of the article is to verify if there can be established the cause-and-effect relationships between these two markets in Poland. In order to realise that goal the author verified if quotations of the WIG Real Estate index are affected by the mean transaction price of new apartments in 10 voivodeship cities, the number of apartments with the official permit to inhabit, as well as the value and number of new mortgage loans. The relationships between the WIG Real Estate and two main stock indexes quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were also examined. Three Vector Auto-Regression models were formulated, and a Granger causality test was conducted. The study revealed that only lags of the number of apartments put into use did not affect the WIG Real Estate. Moreover, the time series of the mean transaction price of new apartments impacts most on the WIG Real Estate
Integration of reborn Poland and united Romania. Similarities and differences
Cuvinte-cheie: Polonia şi România în 1918, integrarea teritorială a Poloniei renăscute şi a României unite, federaţie, autonomie, separatism, problema naţională după Primul război mondial. Rezumat: Deşi anul 1918 a marcat începutul marii uniri a României, iar pentru polonezi o renaştere totală a statalităţii după 123 de ani de sclavie, între aceste procese se găsesc atât diferenţe, cât şi asemănări. Aceasta se referă, în special, la problemele integrării politice şi juridice a teritoriilor poloneze într-un stat şi la "noile" provincii româneşti cu "vechiul" regat. La sfârşitul Primului Război Mondial, în zonele locuite de polonezi şi pe terenuri postulate (aşezate) de români s-au înfiinţat consiliile naţionale independente poloneze şi româneşti. Unii dintre ei au anunţat imediat apartenenţă ţinuturilor lor natale – în special, acest lucru a fost marcat în teritoriile poloneze, iar alţii au fost mai precauţi şi erau în aşteptarea schimbărilor – de exemplu, Basarabia şi Transilvania. Această situaţie era cauzată de condiţia geopolitică, de teama bolşevicilor şi de structura naţională complicată din regiune. De asemenea, ei aşteptau reformele în Rusia, Austria şi Ungaria în privinţa federaţiei şi autonomiei, pentru a prelua experienţa. De altă parte, erau mişcările separatiste germane din Silezia de Sus şi ale maghiarilor în România, care, în cadrul proiectelor create de cvasi-state au avut şansa de a-şi menţine poziţiile. Necesitatea de autonomie în rândul locuitorilor din unele regiuni (Basarabia, Transilvania, Silezia Superioară) a fost, de asemenea, rezultatul experienţei anterioare a existenţelor în ţările imperiale (cu un nivel mai înalt de civilizaţie). Procesul de unire, economic şi mental, a diferitelor regiuni a fost foarte complicat, fapt care este evident până în prezent. Polonia şi România, precum şi alte ţări din Europa Centrală au devenit state naţionale, însă, România a fost mai centralizată. A fost un pericol şi teama privind descentralizarea minorităţilor naţionale. Au fost disensiuni între centru şi regiuni cu privire la modul de gestionare a acestora. Acest lucru se întemeia, uneori, pe sloganuri naţionaliste, cum ar fi "Basarabia pentru basarabeni" şi "Bucovina pentru bucovineni". Sloganuri similare au apărut în Silezia de Sus, deşi această regiune a fost singura în Polonia care a primit autonomie teritorială.
Polish research on Bukovina
The article is dedicated to the presentation of Polish historical, ethnological, linguistic and sociological, generally interdisciplinary scientific research of the Bukovina region, separated from Moldova after 1774. For political reasons, these studies could start as fully professional, after the fall of communism, when obstacles to accessing Romanian and Ukrainian archives and travelling from Poland to both sides of Bukovina disappeared. The article describes the reasons for Poles' interest in Bukovina, which results from the multiculturalism of the region and the phenomenon of tolerance. The starting point for the research was the Polish minority in Bukovina, which migrated to this region like other ethnic groups after 1774. Currently, the topics best approached by Poles are referring to the dialect of Poles in Bukovina, the culture and identity of the Polish Highlanders in Romanian Bukovina and re-migration from Bukovina in Poland, migration and political history of Poles in Bukovina. The folklore festivals in Jastrowie, Poland and the "Polish Culture Days" in Suceava, Romania also play an important role in the research of Bukovina by Poles. Unfortunately, there is little professional Polish research on problems not related to the Polish minority.
On Capitalisation of the Concept of Work in Economic Theory
The following paper discusses capitalisation of the concept of work within economics. While representatives of the classical political economy considered labour both as a technical factor of production and as a social relation of production, the neoclassical economic theorists seem to systematically neglect the latter aspect on behalf of the former. The concept of work initially included elements such as: ownership of labour-force, effort, duration in time-units, professional skills, social competences and creative component, all stemming from innate abilities, practical experience and formal education. Capitalisation, on the other hand, implied taking the above mentioned components one by one and building consecutive human, social, and creative capital theories. Although, this operation can be undertaken in order to quantify various previously immeasurable or difficult-to-measure components of the standard concept of labour-power, one has to pay attention to the possible misuses and abuses of capitalisation.
Covert Repressiveness and the Stability of a Political System: Poland at the End of the Seventies
In: Social research: an international quarterly, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, p. 179
ISSN: 0037-783X
In: Social research: an international quarterly, p. 179-208
ISSN: 0037-783X
Szkoła Symulacji Systemów Gospodarczych (1978–2010) – historia i dorobek
In: Management and Business Administration. Central Europe\, Volume 22, Issue 2, p. 118-144
The creation of a collective identity in a social movement: The case of ?Solidarno??? in Poland
In: Theory and society: renewal and critique in social theory, Volume 16, Issue 3, p. 401-429
ISSN: 1573-7853
The Creation of a Collective Identity in a Social Movement: The Case of "Solidarnosc" in Poland
In: Theory and society: renewal and critique in social theory, Volume 16, Issue 3, p. 401-429
ISSN: 0304-2421
The creation of a collective identity in a social movement: the case of "Solidarnosc" in Poland
In: Theory and society: renewal and critique in social theory, Volume 16, p. 401-429
ISSN: 0304-2421