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Working paper

Article(electronic)#4December 1, 2003

Explicating Social Marketing: What is it, and What isn't It?

In: Social marketing quarterly: SMQ ; journal of the AED, Volume 8, Issue 4, p. 7-13

ISSN: 1539-4093

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Article(electronic)#5September 2003

Recreating Communities to Support Active Living: A New Role for Social Marketing

In: American journal of health promotion, Volume 18, Issue 1, p. 114-119

ISSN: 2168-6602

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Article(electronic)#7August 1, 1993

Symbolic Modeling and Cognitive Rehearsal: Using Video to Promote AIDS Prevention Self-Efficacy

In: Communication research, Volume 20, Issue 4, p. 517-545

ISSN: 1552-3810

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Article(electronic)#9December 1, 1990

Cognitive Responses to AIDS Information: The Effects of Issue Involvement and Message Appeal

In: Communication research, Volume 17, Issue 6, p. 759-774

ISSN: 1552-3810

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Article(electronic)#10March 3, 2021

Health Professionals and the Climate Crisis: Trusted Voices, Essential Roles

In: World medical & health policy, Volume 13, Issue 1, p. 137-145

ISSN: 1948-4682

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Open Access#112011

Climategate Undermined Belief in Global Warming Among Many American TV Meteorologists


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Open Access#132020

American Adolescents' Responses to NASA's Climate Change Website


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