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Article(electronic)#1December 28, 2023

The First Edition of "The Justification of Good" (1897): Contemporaries' Response. Part 4

In: Solovʹëvskie issledovanija, Issue 4, p. 6-22

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Article(electronic)#5December 15, 2023

Stones from Ritual Vessels Found in Scythian Graves on the Left Bank of the Lower Dniester River

In: Stratum plus: archeologija i kulʹturnaja antropologija = Stratum plus : archaeology and cultural anthropology, Issue 6, p. 325-347

ISSN: 1857-3533

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Article(electronic)#6June 20, 2023

Black-Glazed Pottery with Stamped and Incised Decoration from Underwater Research near Ak-Burun Cape

In: Stratum plus: archeologija i kulʹturnaja antropologija = Stratum plus : archaeology and cultural anthropology, Issue 3, p. 267-287

ISSN: 1857-3533

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Article(electronic)#8March 30, 2024

The 6th International Conference of Young Scientists "Space and Time in Russian Literature and Philosophy"

In: Solovʹëvskie issledovanija, Issue 1, p. 187-193

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Article(electronic)#10June 30, 2023

V. Solovyov's aesthetic assessments of K.F. Fofanov's lyrics. Part 1

In: Solovʹëvskie issledovanija, Issue 2, p. 55-73

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