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Article(electronic)#2June 29, 2019

Quantum-chemical modeling of methotrexate fullerenol radionuclide agents for cancer therapy

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series, Volume 55, Issue 2, p. 163-170

ISSN: 2524-2342

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Article(electronic)#3December 3, 2021

Quantum-chemical modeling of cortisone-fullerenol agents of cancer therapy

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series, Volume 57, Issue 4, p. 400-407

ISSN: 2524-2342

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Article(electronic)#4November 29, 2022

Quantum-chemical modeling of doxorubicino-fullerenol agents of cancer therapy

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series, Volume 58, Issue 4, p. 369-378

ISSN: 2524-2342

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Article(electronic)#5December 2, 2023

Tetraeicosahydroxyfullerene C60(ОН)24: optimized preparative synthesis, properties and applica-tions

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series, Volume 59, Issue 4, p. 312-317

ISSN: 2524-2342

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