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Article(electronic)#1April 6, 2020

An MCDM framework for assessment of social sustainability indicators of the freight transport industry under uncertainty. A multi-company perspective

In: Journal of enterprise information management: an international journal, Volume 33, Issue 5, p. 1023-1058

ISSN: 1758-7409

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Article(electronic)#2December 21, 2020

Environmentally responsible freight transport service providers' assessment under data-driven information uncertainty

In: Journal of enterprise information management: an international journal, Volume 34, Issue 1, p. 506-542

ISSN: 1758-7409

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Open Access#32018

Empty stocks and loose paper: Governing access to medicines through informality in Northern India


Open Access#42018

Empty stocks and loose paper: Governing access to medicines through informality in Northern India


Open Access#52018

Empty stocks and loose paper: Governing access to medicines through informality in Northern India