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Open Access#22020

Survey on the Movements and migration corridors of Loxodonta africana cyclotis (Proboscidea: Mammalia) in the Monzo Forest of Bosobolo Territory (Nord-Ubangi Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo)


Open Access#32018

Medicinal Plants from Democratic Republic of the Congo as Sources of Anticancer Drugs


Open Access#42018

Computational Analysis of Thermal Denaturation of Human Hemoglobin by Non Linear Regression of Gushimana Yav Equation Using Origin Software Package


Open Access#52018

Medicinal Plants and Sickle Cell Anemia: The experience of Congo, DR


Open Access#62018

Pentadiplandra brazzeana Baill. (Pentadiplandraceae): Chemical screening assessment and a mini-review on its Bioactivity and Phytochemistry


Open Access#72018

In situ Inventory of Medicinal Plant Species in Democratic Republic of the Congo: A case study of two Community-Based Forests of the Ubangi Eco-Region


Open Access#82017

Preliminary ecological study of plant species of Lokame Natural Forest (Nord Ubangi Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo): A special emphasis on Non-timber Forest Products


Open Access#92017

A survey of the bushmeat trade of the straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum Kerr, 1792) at Maele Island (Kisangani city, Democratic Republic of the Congo)


Open Access#102017

Phytochemical Screening, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Anthocleista liebrechtsiana Wild & T. Durand (Gentianaceae) Originated from Democratic Republic of the Congo


Open Access#112017

Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of the Population Related To Ebola Virus Disease in Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic Of The Congo


Open Access#122016

Larvicidal Activity Validation of Scorodophleous zenkeri Harms and Garcinia mangostana L. from Democratic Republic of the Congo using Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) as model system


Open Access#132016

Drepanoalpha: An Overview on the Quality Control Process and Standardization Feature of an Antisickling Herbal Drug from Democratic Republic of the Congo


Open Access#142016

Effects of Stylosanthes guyanensis and soybean inoculum on the growth and production of soybean (Glycine max L.) in eco-climatic conditions of Kinshasa (DR Congo)


Open Access#152016

Effects of some legumes in crops associated on the growth and production of Corn (Zea mays var. QPM) in eco-climatic conditions of Kinshasa (DR Congo)