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Article(electronic)#2October 3, 2008

Retaliation against supervisory mistreatment: Negative emotion, group membership, and cross‐cultural difference

In: International Journal of Conflict Management, Volume 19, Issue 4, p. 339-358

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Article(electronic)#4October 24, 2019

Diversity of social ties and creativity: Creative self-efficacy as mediator and tie strength as moderator

In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Volume 73, Issue 12, p. 1664-1688

ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X

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Article(electronic)#5August 1, 2016

High performance work systems and organization attraction: The moderating effects of vocational interests

In: Employee relations, Volume 38, Issue 5, p. 682-702

ISSN: 1758-7069

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Article(electronic)#7October 29, 2009

Person-career fit and employee outcomes among research and development professionals

In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Volume 62, Issue 12, p. 1857-1886

ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X

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Article(electronic)#9September 14, 2017

Person–Organization Fit and Friendship From Coworkers: Effects on Feeling Self-Verified and Employee Outcomes

In: Group & organization management: an international journal, Volume 44, Issue 4, p. 777-806

ISSN: 1552-3993

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Article(electronic)#11January 18, 2024

Workplace status differences and proactive behaviours: The role of perceived insider status and promotion criterion

In: Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, Volume 97, Issue 2, p. 747-766

ISSN: 2044-8325

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Article(electronic)#13January 21, 2021

Employee proactive goal regulation and job performance: The role modeling and interacting effects of leader proactive goal regulation

In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Volume 75, Issue 2, p. 373-400

ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X

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Article(electronic)#14September 9, 2019

Customer service at altitude: effects of empowering leadership

In: International journal of contemporary hospitality management, Volume 31, Issue 9, p. 3722-3741

ISSN: 1757-1049

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