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7 results
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In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Volume 10, Issue 1, p. 105-116
ISSN: 1179-6391
Two experiments were conducted with 94 male subjects who were run in dyads. Half of the dyads attained a gain and half a loss as a result of their work on a verbal task. In the first experiment subjects received information about their own and their partner's contributions - ability
and effort - with respect to the given task, and were then asked to allocate the gain or loss. Contrary to our hypothesis differences in effort were not taken into account to a greater extent than differences in ability. In the second experiment subjects had to allocate the amount gained/lost
after receipt of information on intra-dyadic differences in performance; after that they were informed about ability and effort as in the first experiment. When differences in performance were thus explainable through differences in ability - in contrast to effort - a significant number of
allocators moved to discount differences in contributions. The different meanings of information on effort and on ability in the two experiments are discussed in the context of models of cognitive algebra.
In: The Journal of social psychology, Volume 115, Issue 1, p. 73-81
ISSN: 1940-1183
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Volume 7, Issue 2, p. 139-143
ISSN: 1179-6391
Twenty-eight students of a school class were put into dyads of high and low attraction. After working on a verbal task, all dyads attained a financial payoff. From studies about responsibility attribution in cooperative and competitive social contact, the hypothesis was deduced that
there would be less self-attribution of responsibility for the (positive) joint outcome in dyads of high attraction. This was confirmed by the results. The potential significance for problems of distributive justice is discussed.
In: Psychotherapie in Zeiten der Veränderung, p. 229-240
In: The Journal of social psychology, Volume 119, Issue 2, p. 269-281
ISSN: 1940-1183
In: Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie Band 11, Heft 2
Frontmatter -- INHALT -- Theorie und Methoden -- Soziale Streßreduktion, dominierende Bedingungen und Prozesse -- Empirie -- Untersuchungen zum Konzept der internalen und externalen Kontrolle der Verstärkung (I-E-Variable) -- Der Stellenwert von Gerechtigkeit, individueller und kollektiver Rationalität in hypothetischen und realen Entscheidungssituationen -- Diskussion -- Eine theoretische Analyse von «Pygmalioneffekten» und «sich selbst erfüllenden Voraussagen -- Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zu C.CASPARIS: Eine theoretische Analyse von «Pygmalioneffekten» und «sich selbst erfüllenden Voraussagen» -- Literatur -- Neuerscheinungen -- Titel und Abstracta -- Nachrichten und Mitteilungen -- Autoren -- Backmatter