Zeit alleine heilt nicht: sexuelle Kindesmisshandlung - wie wir schützen und helfen können
In: Herder-Spektrum 4216
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In: Herder-Spektrum 4216
In: Zeit + Geschichte 18
Über die erschütternde Geschichte der Heimkinder in der jungen Bundesrepublik informierte zuletzt das Buch von P. Wensierski: "Schläge im Namen des Herrn" (06A10). Die im Rahmen der Reihe Zeit + Geschichte und unter Leitung des Koblenzer Sozialpädagogik-Professors Christian Schrappner erstelle Studie belegt, dass die staatlich verordnete Erziehung auch in Schleswig-Holstein ein dunkles Kapitel war. Das Buch beginnt mit Lebensberichten der Bewohner und ihrem über "freiwillige Erziehungshilfe" oder "Fürsorgeerziehung" führenden Weg ins Heim. Die Geschichte Glückstadts als Anstaltsort und des Landesfürsorgeheims selbst werden ausführlich und anhand zahlreicher Fotos und Dokumente geschildert, bis hin zur Debatte um die endgültige Schließung 1974. Am Eindrucksvollsten sind die Erzählungen und Erinnerungen ehemaliger Zöglinge über ihr Leben im Landesfürsorgeheim. Diese und andere Zeitzeugenberichte als Interviews auch auf der beiliegenden DVD. Ein sehr gut gemachtes Buch! (S. Gülck)
In: Herder-Spektrum 4097
Background: The consumption of drugs without consulting healthcare professional regardless of side effects and duration of therapy is known as self-medication. This study was conducted to analyze the practice of self-medication and knowledge about the medicines among the common people of rural areas. Methods: 6 months Study was carried out by collecting the data with the help of questionnaire and thereby collecting their answers. The data was analyzed statistically in terms of actual numbers and percentage. Results: As an outcome of our survey, majority of the population were unaware about proper usage of medicines. The survey also shows that NSAIDs are the most consumed medicines. 72.11% stop taking medications without the advice or without informing healthcare provider. 77.56% believe medication without prescription will help them. Conclusion: The survey that most of the common population in the rural areas don't know about the indication for which they are taking medication and the study also emphasizes the unawareness of common population towards proper usage of medication. Elderly people are on polypharmacy due to multiple and inter current diseases, with their improper use due to lack of knowledge of correct dose, side effects, and interactions would bring serious implications. Community pharmacists should get continuous education and repeated training programs because they are easy accessible to the common population. A proper statutory drug control must be implemented, rationally restricting the availability of drugs to the public. Self-medication is an area where governments and health authorities need to ensure that it is done in a responsible manner, ensuring that safe drugs are made available over the counter and the consumer is given adequate information about the use of drugs and when to consult a doctor. Keywords: Self-medication, irrational use, prevalence, pharmacist, drugs.