The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of empowering leadership style on employee job satisfaction mediated by psychological capital, psychological well-being, and employee work engagement in government organizations. The study draws on survey data with 129 respondents from employees in Indonesia government agency. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the convergent validity of the construct measures. Partial least square (PLS) Algorithm was used to estimate the fit of the hypothesized model to the data. The research found that empowering leadership has a significant effect on the psychological capital, work engagement, and psychological well-being of employees. The role of employee psychology capital has a positive influence on the relationship between empowering leadership styles with psychological well-being and employee work engagement. The results of this study also found that the role of employee psychological capital mediation did not significantly influence the relationship between empowering leadership style and employee job satisfaction, but the role mediation of psychological well-being and work engagement became a good mediating variable on the relationship between empowering leadership style and job satisfaction. The results of this research are expected to be useful academically and managerially for government organizations in Indonesia.
This study aimed to examine the effect of the use of information technology, human resources and competencies on the quality of local government financial statements by the accrual based government accounting standards as interverning variable on the Government of Barru. Accrual accounting standards as defined in Regulation 71 of 2010 (PP No.71 Tahun 2010) concerning the Government Accounting Standards, and more technically set in Regulation 64 of 2013 (Permendagri No.64 Tahun 2013) concerning the Government Accounting Standards Implementation of Accrual Based On Local Government. The method used is descriptive survey. Samples were employees in the accounting / financial administration of the region on regional work units (SKPD) and Regional Financial Management Officer (PPKD) within the scope of local government Barru district. Methods of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the utilization of information technology have significant effect on the quality of financial statements Barru district government through the implementation of accrual based government accounting standards, while the competence of human resources has no significant effect on the quality of financial statements Barru district government through the implementation of accrual based government accounting standards.Keywords: Information Technology, Human Resources and Competencies, Accrual Based Government Accounting Standards, Quality of Local Government Financial Statements.
Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- A Note on Transliterations -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1 The Politics of Shariatisation in Indonesia -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Shariatisation from Local and Global Perspectives -- 1.3 Shariatisation and Islamisation in Indonesia -- 1.4 Theoretical Framework -- 1.5 Methodology, Sources of Research and Structure of the Book -- Chapter 2 MUI and the History of the Sharia Trajectory in Indonesia -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The Shariatisation of MUI and Indonesia's State Ideology -- 2.3 Discourse on Indonesia's State Ideology and MUI's Response -- 2.4 The Institutionalisation of the Ulama -- 2.5 The Genesis of MUI -- 2.6 Leadership of MUI Senior Ulama -- 2.7 The Reform Era: The Changing Role of MUI -- 2.8 Internal Dynamism -- Chapter 3 A Living Organisation: Pre-existing Conditions and the Organisational Vehicle of Shariatisation -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Internal Causes of Shariatisation -- 3.2.1 From Pancasila to Islam -- 3.2.2 From Khādim al-Ḥukūma to Khādim al-Umma -- 3.2.3 From Payung to Tenda Besar -- 3.3 Institutional Vehicles for Shariatisation -- 3.3.1 The Fatwa Commission -- The Soul of MUI -- Fatwa Issuance Methodology -- New Conservatism -- 3.3.2 Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika (LPPOM, the Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Assessment) -- Pioneer of the Halal Movement in Indonesia -- National, Regional and International Networks -- Certification and Labelling -- Auditing Lawfulness of Goods -- 3.3.3 Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN, The National Sharia Board) -- History of DSN -- Institutionalising the Sharia Economy and Finance -- Issuing Fatwa on Economic and Finance Issues -- 3.3.4 Komisi Hukum dan Perundang-Undangan (The Law and Legislation Commission) -- Special Legal Envoy.
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AbstractIndonesia has implemented the principle of regional autonomy as widely as possible, which has been regulated normatively through the formation of applicable laws and regulations, namely Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 of 2004 concerning Regional Autonomy. In more depth, what is meant by autonomy is that in the context of the implementation of regional government in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, regional governments regulate and manage government affairs themselves according to the principles of autonomy and co-administration, including in the area of regional financial management. This emerges the latest regulation where there are problems when regional funds and village funds in each region vary greatly in the management of regional financial budgets, as has been issued through Presidential Regulation No. 33/2020 concerning Regional Unit Price Standards. Even so, the regions must make an activity or the effectiveness of regional administration run well in line with regional activities and optimal utilization of regional funds. Of course, this is very interesting when it is assessed that the management of regional finances after the enactment of the Presidential Regulation is a consideration to be able to make the best and most efficient use of regional budget sources. This study uses a normative research approach, because several things are studied in theory, norms, written norms and are a rather conceptual nature of a study. Based on the results of the research, the researcher can find Article 18 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which states that "Provincial, district, and city governments regulate and manage government affairs themselves according to the principles of autonomy and assistance tasks. Each region according to its regional character has different priorities from one region to another in the welfare of the community. The approach taken in the Regional Government Law is an asymmetrical approach, in the sense that the broadest possible autonomy provides different directions from one another according to the needs and characteristics of each region.Keywords: governments; regulated; the principle of regional autonomyAbstrakIndonesia sudah menerapkan prinsip otonomi daerah yang seluas-luasnya, di mana telah diatur secara normatif melalui pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yakni Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 33 Tahun 2004 tentang Otonomi Daerah. Secara lebih mendalam otonomi yang dimaksud adalah dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah sesuai amanat UUD 1945, pemerintah daerah mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan menurut asas otonomi dan tugas pembantuan, termasuk juga dalam hal pengelolaan keuangan daerah. Hal ini muncul peraturan yang terbaru di mana ada problematika ketika dana daerah dan dana desa di masing-masing daerah itu sangatlah berbeda-beda dalam pengelolaan anggaran keuangan daerah, sebagaimana telah dikeluarkan melalui Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 33 Tahun 2020 tentang Standar Harga Satuan Regional. Meskipun demikian daerah harus membuat suatu kegiatan atau efektifitas penyelenggaraan daerah berjalan dengan baik seiring dengan kegiatan daerah dan pemanfaatan dana daerah yang optimal. Tentunya ini sangat menarik ketika dinilai pengeloaan keuangan daerah pasca berlakunya Peraturan Presiden tersebut menjadi pertimbangan untuk bisa memanfaatkan sumber anggaran daerah dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seefisien mungkin. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian normatif, dikarenakan beberapa hal dikaji secara teori, kaidah-kaidah, norma-norma yang secara tertulis dan merupakan sifat daripada konseptual dalam suatu penelitian. Berangkat dari hasil penelitian, maka peneliti bisa temukan Pasal 18 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 disebutkan bahwa "Pemerintahan daerah provinsi, daerah kabupaten, dan kota mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan menurut asas otonomi dan tugas pembantuan. Setiap daerah sesuai karakter daerahnya mempunyai prioritas yang berbeda antara daerah satu dan daerah lainnya dalam menyejahterakan masyarakat. Pendekatan yang diambil dalam Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah adalah pendekatan yang bersifat asimetris, dalam artian bahwa otonomi seluas-luasnya memberikan arahan yang berbeda antara satu sama lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik daerah masing-masing.
Demokrasi merupakan sebuah kumpulan ide dan prinsip tentang kebebasan, bahkan juga mengandung sejumlah praktik dan prosedur untuk mencapai kebebasan yang terbentuk melalui perjalanan yang panjang dan berliku. Pancasila sebagai dasar Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia terdiri dari nilai-nilai agama, adat istiadat dan kebudayaan. Eksistensi daerah atau wilayah tertentu yang relatif independen dan mempunyai sistem pemerintahan lokal yang khas dan diteruskan secara berkesinambungan yang sampai sekarang masih dapat ditelusuri, seperti halnya, Desa di Jawa, Marga, Kuria, Huta, Nagari, Gampong (semuanya di Sumatera) dan nama lain bagi beberapa kelompok tertentu yang tersebar di nusantara pada waktu dulu. Demokrasi Pancasila seharusnya berpengaruh sekali terhadap sistem pemerintahan desa di Indonesia, hal itu dapat terlihat diantaranya dari pemilihan kepala desa yang diselenggarakan secara langsung.
Abstract The role of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Indonesian Ulema Council) in influencing the construction of democracy through its fatwas has fluctuated since its establishment in 1975. During the Suharto regime, which was characterised by authoritarian national leadership, MUI fatwas tended to serve the interests of the regime. Since the reform era, they have stimulated undemocratic circumstances in Indonesian Islam. This article examines MUI fatwas and their influence on democracy in the context of Indonesian Islam. The main argument of this article is that fatwas in themselves can improve or worsen the implementation of democracy. Fatwas may impede democracy if their contents are not aligned with democratic principles, while they may support the development of democracy if their contents promote democracy. Rising conservatism in Indonesia has been influenced by the issuance of fatwas that do not promote democratic values. In addition to examining the roles of fatwa givers and the methodology of fatwa issuance, this article analyses the social and political circumstances driving their issuance. This article presents examples of MUI fatwas that have democratic and undemocratic characteristics. It concludes that democratic circumstances can be achieved through opening spaces for fatwa issuance among additional fatwa institutions in Indonesia, as the monopolisation of fatwa issuance has created undemocratic tendencies in Indonesian Islam.
The quality of education is a standard that must be maintained by educational institutions in Indonesia. Quality assurance of school is an education management business in maintaining the process of determining and fulfilling management quality standards on an ongoing basis so that producer consumers and other interested parties obtain satisfaction. The implementation of quality assurance, it is hoped that it will be able to create quality graduates. The quality assurance standards have been stipulated in Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005. SMP Bilingual Terpadu is an educational institution that has applied the education quality assurance system. In each semester, school managers try to map and improve the quality of schools. Improving the quality of education in SMP Bilingual Terpadu based on standard mapping results. The results of the mapping will be used as a basis for increasing the implementation and supervision of quality assurance at SMP Bilingual Terpadu Krian Sidoarjo.
Malaria is an environmental disease, influenced not only by physical and biological environmental factors but also by socio-cultural ones. These factors affect each other, and, in turn, cause the disease in endemic areas. Some factors that cause the high morbidity rate associated with the disease include climate change, physical environment that varies geographically, socio-economic circumstances, and human behaviour in the affected areas. Other risk factors include housing conditions and poor sanitation, lack of hygiene practices, and inadequate health services in endemic areas. Efforts to eliminate malaria have been a topic at various public health meetings for decades. However, in Indonesia, malaria continues to be one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. The research aimed to analyse and model the critical variables associated with malaria in endemic areas of Indonesia. So, this included relationships between malaria and both socio-demographic variables and physical environments. The research is in three parts, adding value to a model that determines malaria in Indonesia. This dissertation follows a cross-sectional design survey. The research data in this PhD dissertation is drawn from four sources: routine reporting of malaria from provincial health departments in South Sumatra; the national basic health research data (IDN acronym: Riskesdas); climate data from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Climatological Agency (IDN acronym: BMKG); spatial data from Geospatial Information Agency (IDN acronym: BIG). This study takes a holistic approach, integrating the following univariate, bivariate, and multivariable logistic regressions, to establish a modelling determinant of malaria. Additionally, the researchers compared the performance of both Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) and Ordinary Least Square (OLS). It also used some statistical analysis software tools for data processing, analysis, visualisation, and the development of the model as follows: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Stata, Aeronautical Reconnaissance Coverage Geographic Information System (ArcGIS) 10.3, and GWR 4.0 version 4.0.90 for Windows. The prevalence of malaria varied according to the local area, which, in turn, was related to the local physical environment that varied geographically. The determinants for malaria cases varied locally and regionally as well. Rural areas with a high percentage of households keeping livestock/pets showed a higher proportion of malaria prevalence than the national average. Other socio-demographic risk factors included gender, age, occupation, knowledge about healthcare, protection against mosquito bites, and condition of dwellings. This study reveals that the independent variables - "rainfall", "altitude", and "distance from mosquito resting sites in the forest," in global OLS analysis- are significantly associated with malaria cases in South Sumatra, Indonesia. On the other hand, in the GWR analysis, the determinants of malaria cases at the village level vary geographically. Therefore, it is essential for the decision maker, the government, to acquire a more in-depth understanding of region-specific, ecological factors that influence confirmed malaria cases. The findings lead to the recommendation for developing sustainable regional malaria control programs and incentivising malaria elimination efforts, particularly at the village level. In another setting, the research led to the conclusion that the presence of mid-sized livestock comprised a significant risk factor for contracting malaria in rural Indonesia. The recommendation, especially for the study area, is to employ integrated vector management (IVM), for example, the simultaneous implementation of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) and insecticide-treated livestock (ITL). Other factors such as socio-demographic and use of health care facilities were also crucial as they related to malaria prevalence. Further, the research leads to the recommendation for increased education and increased promotion and utilisation of the health care framework to promote knowledge and awareness of villagers on how to protect themselves from Anopheles bites. Finally, improving information concerning the availability of health care services and access to various health facilities in endemic areas is essential.
The establishment of classical mazhab-mazhab theology related to the political dynamics what happened to masa-masa the start of the journey history muslims .In particular titik-titik the dynamic then attracted persoalan-persoalan as isu-isu is central to the theology , so theological clashes will be inevitable .In turn theological debate is then causing the emergence of flow in theology , among other qadariah , jabariah, asy'ariyah, and mu'tazilah. Theology of jabariah contrary to qadariah who looked at human being as a creature that had ability creative and dynamic to keep coming back to. On the other hand jabariah looking at a weak human, have submitted received just about anything and do not have power. Implication understand qadariah and jabariah in the context of kekinian made understand qadariah as an encouragement to creative and dynamic , therefore the demands of developing and the progress of this adult life , including life of muslims , while understand jabariah is used as the basis of a higher power , so that not too proud and puffed up with success.Lahirnya mazhab-mazhab besar teologi klasik tidak terlepas dari dinamika politik yang terjadi pada masa-masa awal perjalanan sejarah umat Islam. Pada titik-titik tertentu dinamika ini kemudian melahirkan persoalan-persoalan yang sekaligus merupakan isu-isu sentral dalam ranah teologi, sehingga pertikaian teologis pun menjadi tidak terelakkan. Pada gilirannya perdebatan teologis ini kemudian menyebabkan munculnya berbagai aliran dalam teologi, antara lain Qadariah, Jabariah, Asy'ariyah, dan Mu'tazilah. Teologi Jabariah bertentangan dengan Qadariah yang memandang manusia sebagai makhluk yang memiliki kemampua untuk senantiasa kreatif dan dinamis. Sebaliknya Jabariah memandang manusia lemah, pasrah menerima apa saja dan tidak punya daya. Implikasi paham Qadariah dan Jabariah dalam konteks kekinian menjadikan paham Qadariah sebagai dorongan untuk kreatif dan dinamis, karena itu tuntutan perkembangan dan kemajuan kehidupan dewasa ini, termasuk kehidupan umat Islam, sementara paham Jabariah dijadikan dasar untuk tidak lupa akan adanya kekuatan yang lebih tinggi, sehingga tidak takabur dan sombong dengan keberhasilan yang dicapai.