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Open Access#22020

Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial

In: Bührmann , L , Schuurmans , J , Ruwaard , J , Fleuren , M , Etzelmüller , A , Piera-Jiménez , J , Finch , T , Rapley , T , Potthoff , S , Aouizerate , B , J. Batterham , P , Calear , A , Christensen , H , Duedal Pedersen , C , Daniel Ebert , D , Van der Eycken , E , Fanaj , N , van Genugten , C , Hanssen , D , Hegerl , U , Hug , J , Kleiboer , A , Mathiasen , K , May , C , Mustafa , S , Oehler , C , Cerga-Pahoja , A , Pope , C , Qirjako , G , Rosmalen , J , Sacco , Y , Samalin , L , Maria Skjøth , M , Tarp , K , Titzler , I , Zanalda , E , Zbukvic , I , H. Smit , J , Riper , H , Vis , C & The ImpleMentAll consortium 2020 , ' Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial ' , Trials , vol. 21 , 893 .