In: Revista de estudios de la administración local y autonomica
ISSN: 1989-8975
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In: Revista de estudios de la administración local y autonomica
ISSN: 1989-8975
The climate crisis in Mediterranean Europe: cross-border and multidisciplinary issues on climate change" collects 8 original essays by different authors concerning socio-environmental issues related to climate change in a historical border area of Southern Europe. This volume, fostering the current scientific debate on the consequences of climate change, becomes a valuable element for its better understanding from a multidisciplinary perspective, as it shows several studies both theoretical and empirical on different topics: contaminant emissions, social and population dynamics across borders, education and perception of climate change by teenagers, the diffusion of alien vegetation in European ecosystems, and current models of natural and agrarian management. These topics put forward the facets of a complex multiscale process, which requires a necessary discussion between different scientific, political and social stakeholders. We need now to achieve a better collective awareness about the vulnerabilities arising and threatened by climate change in the Mediterranean Basin. ; open
In: Revue du marché unique européen, Issue 3, p. 45-100
ISSN: 1155-4274
In: Acciones e investigaciones sociales, Issue 19, p. 145
ISSN: 2340-4507
Introducción: La emigración hacia Estados Unidos de América del Norte, es un hecho social que se da frecuentemente entre los pueblos de habla hispana. Esto condiciona la adaptación a ciertas costumbres y hábitos diferentes a los propios.Material y pacientes: Se han estudiado una población representativa de hispano parlantes residentes en Washington D.C. con el fin de conocer que características médicas, sociales y culturales sufren estas poblaciones. El método ha sido una encuesta directa y mediante ella se exploran las necesidades y carencias de la población emigrante.Resultados: Muestran las particularidades de la población estudiada en cuanto al grado de adaptación, aprendizaje del lenguaje, integración, hábitos sexuales y características económicas de los hispanos residentes en Washington.Discusión: El trabajo concluye con la problemática de desarraigo social que se observa entre estos adolescentes hispanos emigrantes: no asistencia a la escuela, maternidades prematuras escaso poder económico y dificultad en la integración son las características más comunes observadas.
This study presents a diagnostic analysis of the concept of the Eurocity. It aims to compare the initial intentions of the concept with its actual results from the perspective of a sustainable local development approach, particularly assessing the attention given to local governance and its potential for boosting this development paradigm. To this end, a range of internal documents and press reports of the Guadiana Eurocity were analyzed, and 15 in-depth interviews and one focus group were conducted with the main stakeholders involved in implementing local development policy in order to uncover the cognitive structure of their collective discourse and the potentials and expectations of the Eurocity. The results showed that the Guadiana Eurocity seemed to be the cross-border and European integration entity with the most legitimacy among these municipalities for carrying out sustainable local development strategies. Its structure and closeness to residents' daily lives, however, were not sufficient guarantees of its success.
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Volume 11, Issue 1, p. 227-240
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. Spain represents an important part of the tourism sector in the Western Mediterranean, which has been affected in the past by tsunamis. Although the tsunami risk at the Spanish coasts is not the highest of the Mediterranean, the necessity of tsunami risk mitigation measures should not be neglected. In the Mediterranean area, Spain is exposed to two different tectonic environments with contrasting characteristics. On one hand, the Alboran Basin characterised by transcurrent and transpressive tectonics and, on the other hand, the North Algerian fold and thrust belt, characterised by compressive tectonics. A set of 22 seismic tsunamigenic sources has been used to estimate the tsunami threat over the Spanish Mediterranean coast of the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Maximum wave elevation maps and tsunami travel times have been computed by means of numerical modelling and we have obtained estimations of threat levels for each source over the Spanish coast. The sources on the Western edge of North Algeria are the most dangerous, due to their threat to the South-Eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula and to the Western Balearic Islands. In general, the Northern Algerian sources pose a greater risk to the Spanish coast than the Alboran Sea sources, which only threaten the peninsular coast. In the Iberian Peninsula, the Spanish provinces of Almeria and Murcia are the most exposed, while all the Balearic Islands can be affected by the North Algerian sources with probable severe damage, specially the islands of Ibiza and Minorca. The results obtained in this work are useful to plan future regional and local warning systems, as well as to set the priority areas to conduct research on detailed tsunami risk.
European Union regulations (Directive 79/923/CEE) do not establish any quality criteria guidelines with regard to the concentration of bacteriological indicators in the water for monitoring shellfish growing areas. In the present study the bioconcentration factor of fecal coliforms in molluscs is analysed. With these results, we have estimated an average bioconcentration factor of 10. Based on these values, we propose the establishment of a complementary bacteriological water quality criteria for shellfish growing areas, and modifications in their regulatory environmental monitoring programmes. ; La normativa de la Unión Europea (Directiva 79/923/CEE) no establece ningún criterio de calidad referente a la concentración de indicadores bacteriológicos en el agua para la vigilancia ambiental de las zonas de producción de moluscos. En este estudio se planteó el análisis del factor de bioconcentración de coliformes fecales en los moluscos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten estimar un factor medio de bioconcentración de 10, a partir del cual se desarrolla un sistema complementario de control de la calidad bacteriológica de las aguas en el entorno de las zonas de producción. Tomando como base estos resultados, se propone una adaptación de los programas de vigilancia y control ambiental establecidos en la normativa para estas zonas. ; Instituto Español de Oceanografía
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Volume 23, Issue 22, p. 23239-23248
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Volume 96, p. 168-174
ISSN: 1879-2456
Ecuador has started a national project focus on a new model of energetic management so as to reduce the Ecuadorian dependency on fossil fuels. With this purpose in mind, the government has disposed to replace liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cookers for induction cookers. This will contribute to decrease the consumption of LPG, emission of toxic fumes and multidimensional poverty index (MPI). In contrast, the Ecuadorian quality of life (EQOL) and the global efficiency of the energetic system will improve. This paper was developed to determine the correct material which can efficiently interact with magnetic fields at low cost. Multi decision making methods (MCDM) are analytical tools employed to judge the right alternative of a set of possibilities. According to the number of alternatives and criteria of this problem, MCDM appears as an evaluation approach that can ease the selection of materials for induction cookware. The MCMD methods implemented are AHP, EXPROM2, COPRAS-G, TOPSIS and VIKOR, all of them have been compared to validate the best alternative. The analysis process consists on collecting information about the properties of the material and his weight respect to the others to generate a normalized matrix that relate the dependency among criteria. The results prove that the steel A677 is the best material, of a set of 8 alternatives with 8 analysis criteria, to be applied as induction cookware. ; El Ecuador está fomentando nuevos proyectos enfocados en la reducción de consumo de combustibles fósiles. Con este propósito en mente, el gobierno lleva a cabo un plan para reemplazar cocinas dependientes del gas licuado de petróleo (GLP) por cocinas de inducción. Esto contribuirá en la disminución del consumo del GLP, emisiones tóxicas. En contraste, la calidad de vida en el Ecuador y la eficiencia energética en la edificación mejorará. Este documento hay sido elaborado para determinar el material adecuado capaz de interactuar con campos magnéticos. Los métodos multi-criterio de selección (MCDM) son herramientas analíticas que sirven para juzgar la mejor alternativa de un conjunto de posibilidades. Dependiendo del número de alternativas y el número de criterios de selección, los MCDM aparecen como herramientas de evaluación que permitirán seleccionar al material correcto para el diseño del menaje para cocinas de inducción. En el desarrollo de este proyecto se empleó las aproximaciones EXPROM2, COPRAS-G,TOPSIS y VIKOR. Los resultados obtenidos de cada método serán valorados y validados. El estudio consiste en recolectar información referente a las propiedades de cada material y su respectiva importancia en el diseño del menaje de cocinas de inducción y establecer una matriz normalizada que relaciona la magnitud de cada propiedad. Los resultados obtenidos resaltan al acero A677 como la mejor alternativa de un conjunto de 8 opciones con 8 diferentes criterios de selección.
[EN] The effect of the direction of the meat fiber on the diffusion of sodium nitrate and water in Semimembranosus pork muscle during curing was studied at different temperatures. Nitrate and water diffusion were modelled based on Fick's second law. The nitrate diffusion coefficients ranged from 0.007·10¿10 to 0.034·10¿10 m2/s (parallel) and 0.89·10¿10 to 1.41·10¿10 m2/s (perpendicular), while for water the values ranged from 9.87·10¿9 to 12.46·10¿9 m2/s (parallel) and 5.22·10¿10 to 9.29·10¿10 m2/s (perpendicular). In every case, these values increased as the temperature rose. The activation energy for water diffusion perpendicular to the meat fiber (31.86 kJ/mol) was greater than when the diffusion was parallel (15.06 kJ/mol). The opposite was observed for nitrate diffusion (96.44 kJ/mol when parallel vs. 24.71 kJ/mol when perpendicular), which implies that nitrate needs more energy for parallel diffusion and, consequently, curing is slower in that direction. ; The authors of this paper acknowledge the financial support from Spanish Government ("Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura", CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010, CSD2007-00016) and from the Valencian Government ("Generalitat Valenciana", Valencia, Spain, PROMETEOII/2014/0005). ; Gómez, J.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN.; Arnau, J.; Bon Corbín, J.; Clemente Polo, G. (2017). Diffusion of nitrate and water in pork meat: Effect of the direction of the meat fiber. Journal of Food Engineering. 214:69-78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.06.028 ; S ; 69 ; 78 ; 214
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record. ; Solar radiation is an important driver of animal coloration, not only because of the effects of coloration on body temperature but also because coloration may protect from the deleterious effects of UV radiation. Indeed, dark coloration may protect from UV, but may increase the risk of overheating. In addition, the effect of coloration on thermoregulation should change with egg size, as smaller eggs have higher surface-volume ratios and greater convective coefficients than larger eggs, so that small eggs can dissipate heat quickly. We tested whether the reflectance of eggshells, egg spottiness and egg size of the ground-nesting Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus are affected by maximum ambient temperature and solar radiation at breeding sites. We measured reflectance, both in the UV and human visible spectrum, spottiness and egg size in photographs from a museum collection of plover eggshells. Eggshells of lower reflectance (darker) were found at higher latitudes. However, in southern localities where solar radiation is very high, eggshells are also of dark coloration. Eggshell coloration had no significant relationship with ambient temperature. Spotiness was site-specific. Small eggs tended to be light-coloured. Thermal constraints may drive the observed spatial variation in eggshell coloration, which may be lighter in lower latitudes to diminish the risk of overheating as a result of higher levels of solar radiation. However, in southern localities with very high levels of UV radiation, eggshells are of dark coloration likely to protect embryos from more intense UV radiation. Egg size exhibited variation in relation to coloration, likely through the effect of surface area-to-volume ratios on overheating and cooling rates of eggs. Therefore, differential effects of solar radiation on functions of coloration and size of eggshells may shape latitudinal variations in egg appearance in the Kentish plover. ; Financial support was received from Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC) through Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence (grant SEV-2012-0262, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain), and partly by grants CGL2011-24230 and CGL2017-83518-P from the Spanish Government, with EU-ERDF financial support. JG was supported by an FPU predoctoral fellowship (FPU12-01616) from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spain. MS and JT were funded by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/J018309/1 to MS.
In: Survey review, Volume 48, Issue 350, p. 329-337
ISSN: 1752-2706
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Volume 188, p. 109923
ISSN: 1090-2414