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Open Access#12013

Temporeros extranjeros en la campaña de la aceituna de Jaén: el actual contexto de crisis y sus repercusiones en la red de albergues ; Temporary foreigners in the campaign of the olive of Jaen: the current context of crisis and his repercussions in the network of lodgings


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Article(electronic)#3January 19, 2019

Fisheries Policy for Sustainable Development: Coastal Models and Limitations Derived from Participation and Power Organisation in Atlantic FLAGs in Spain and Portugal

In: Sociologia ruralis, Volume 59, Issue 1, p. 44-65

ISSN: 1467-9523

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Open Access#42013

Los programas de retorno voluntario. El Plan Tierras del Gobierno de Ecuador y su incidencia en España ; The voluntary return programs. The Government of Ecuador Land Plan and its impact on Spain


Open Access#52013

Evolución de los contingentes de trabajadores extranjeros en España (1993-2011): las actividades agrícolas ; Evolution of the quotas of foreign workers in Spain (1993-2011): the agricultural activities


Open Access#62021

Origen geográfico de los solicitantes de asilo y concesiones de Protección internacional en España entre 2008 y 2018 ; Geographical origin of asylum seekers and international protection concessions in Spain between 2008 and 2018


Open Access#72021

Geographical origin of asylum seekers and international protection concessions in Spain between 2008 and 2018 ; Origen geográfico de los solicitantes de asilo y concesiones de Protección internacional en España entre 2008 y 2018