In: ODTÜ gelişme dergisi / Orta Doǧu Teknik Üniversitesi, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi: METU studies in development / Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 4, p. 521-542
The aim of this paper is two folds. First, we perform a review of empirical research that report the vertical mismatch and/or field of study mismatch in Turkey. Second, we provide additional evidence from two perspectives which are (i) change in vertical mismatch and field of study mismatch over time and (ii) their overlapping mismatch. Using dataset from Turkish Statistical Institute labor force surveys, we conduct our analyses for two separate target groups, namely vocational and technical high schools and higher education. The main findings are as follows: The incidence of both vertical and field of study mismatch is higher for vocational and technical high schools. Both mismatches increased over time for both target groups. More notably, the rate of increase in higher education is higher than that in vocational and technical high schools. Regarding the overlapping mismatch, we define three mismatch categories, namely mere field of study mismatch, mere overeducation and full-mismatch. We find that 40.6% of employees from higher education and 70.2% of employees from vocational and technical high schools are mismatched by any category.
This study analyzes the innovation performance of the European Union in the context of the European Research Area (ERA). Literature related to the Systems of Innovation, network studies, Framework Programs and the European Research Area will be used to establish a theoretical framework for policy analysis. It forms a database from three different resources to establish a European Research and Innovation Network, which appears as a result of policy and program implementation at the European level. The evaluation of the European Union's innovation performance is discussed for developing policy recommendations, which are derived from theoretical arguments as well as analytical studies, based on network analysis and the notion of entropy. The implementation of a relatively simple rule by the European Commission, in addition to policies focusing on the development of countries' diversity and absorptive capacity, which are structural holes, may make an important contribution to improving cohesion and competition within the European Research Area, as well innovation in the European Union.
The book explores different approaches towards the "entrepreneurial university" paradigm, explores channels and mechanism used by universities to implement the paradigm and contributes to the public discussion on the impact of commercialization on university research and knowledge. It argues that different types of university-industry interaction may have repercussions even on funding of basic research if an appropriate balance is ensured between the two. University activities - both research and education in all forms - should provide economic and social relevance directed towards open science and open innovation. This book adds value to current knowledge by presenting both a conceptual framework and case studies which describe different contexts.
This book examines the nature of the process of technological change in different sectors of various countries, analyzing the impact of innovation as well as research and development activities on different outcomes in different fields and assessing the design and impact of policies aimed at enhancing innovation in organizations. - Provided by publisher
FEUTURE Online Paper No. 10 In a knowledge economy, it is interesting to see that the concept of knowledge cohesion is a fertile soil for research. Despite the ongoing interest in investigating whether economic cohesion has been achieved in Europe there is no work that looks at knowledge cohesion. Though it is difficult to investigate such an abstract concept one can look at a more concrete concept such as convergence. Using the European Union Framework Programme data from 1984 to 2016 we show that there are signs of knowledge convergence within the NUTS2 regions. Despite the fact, the top performers persist over the years the convergence is much stronger among the less developed regions. The results also show that Turkey enhanced its position in knowledge exchange considerably where some of its developed regions are emergent knowledge hubs. These results indicate that Turkish knowledge system is tied strongly to the European Research Area which reduces the probability of conflict scenario. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692976. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
In a knowledge economy, it is interesting to see that the concept of knowledge cohesion is a fertile soil for research. Despite the ongoing interest in investigating whether economic cohesion has been achieved in Europe there is no work that looks at knowledge cohesion. Though it is difficult to investigate such an abstract concept one can look at a more concrete concept such as convergence. Using the European Union Framework Programme data from 1984 to 2016 we show that there are signs of knowledge convergence within the NUTS2 regions. Despite the fact, the top performers persist over the years the convergence is much stronger among the less developed regions. The results also show that Turkey enhanced its position in knowledge exchange considerably where some of its developed regions are emergent knowledge hubs. These results indicate that Turkish knowledge system is tied strongly to the European Research Area which reduces the probability of conflict scenario. ; Bilgi uyumu konusunun içinde yaşadığımız bilgi çağında bu kadar az çalışılıyor olması ilginçtir. Avrupa'da ekonomik uyum ve yakınlaşma konusunda pek çok araştırma yapılırken bilgi uyumu konusunda hemen hiç bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Her ne kadar bilgi uyumu konusu soyut bir kavram gibi dursa da daha somut bir kavram olan bilgi yakınlaşması kavramına bakılabilir. Bu çalışmada 1984-2016 arasında Avrupa Çerçeve Programı verisi kullanarak, Avrupa NUTS2 bölgelerinde bilgi yakınlaşması olduğunu gösteriyoruz. En iyi performans sağlayan bölgeler yıllar içinde pek değişmese de, daha az gelişmiş bölgeler arasında bir bilgi yakınlaşmasından söz edilebilir. Sonuçlar aynı zamanda Türkiye'nin bilgi paylaşımındaki pozisyonunu zaman içinde geliştirdiğini gösteriyor, öyle ki bazı bölgeleri yeni doğan ve gelişen bilgi merkezleri arasında yer alıyor. Bu sonuçlar Türkiye bilgi sisteminin Avrupa Bilgi Alanına güçlü bir şekilde bağlı olduğunu göstermesi nedeniyle çatışma senaryosunun olasılığını düşürmektedir ; Publisher's Version