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Mondi migranti nella città meridionale: abitare inferiore, pratiche quotidiane e insicurezze urbane
In: Scaffale del nuovo millennio 70
The Sicilian MUOS Ground Station Conflict: On US Geopolitics in the Mediterranean and Geographies of Resistance
In: Geopolitics, Volume 20, Issue 2, p. 333-353
ISSN: 1557-3028
Start-up urbanism: New York, Rio de Janeiro and the global urbanization of technology-based economies
In: Environment and planning. A, Volume 49, Issue 5, p. 999-1018
ISSN: 1472-3409
This article investigates the variegated urbanization of technology-based economies through the lenses of a comparative analysis looking at New York City and Rio de Janeiro. Over the last decade, the former has gained a reputation as a 'model tech city' at the global level, while the latter is an example of emerging 'start-up city'. Using a Marxist-Foucauldian approach, the article argues that, while technopoles in the 1980s and the 1990s arose from the late Keynesian state, the globally hegemonic phenomenon of start-up urbanism is illustrative of an increasingly decentralized neoliberal project of self-governing 'enterprise society', mobilizing ideas of community, cooperation and horizontality within a context of cognitive-communicative capitalism in which urban environments acquire renewed centrality. In doing so, the article underlines start-up urbanism's key contribution to the reinvention of the culture of global capitalism in times of perceived economic shrinkage worldwide and the central role played by major metropolitan centres in this respect.
The Etna macro‐region between peripheralization and innovation: Towards a smart territorial system based on tourism
In: Regional science policy and practice: RSPP, Volume 11, Issue 3, p. 493-508
ISSN: 1757-7802
AbstractThis article offers an initial exploratory analysis of some promising agents and innovative practices for a long‐term strategy of sustainable, inclusive and smart territorial development for peripheral areas in the Etna macro‐region. It aims to scrutinize the potential role of tourism and local entrepreneurship with a view to implementing a territorial approach to a smart specialization strategy. Mostly based on statistical analysis and a critical review of literature, the paper gives an overview on strengths and weaknesses of some existing rural cluster initiatives of innovation, which are of interest to implementing a tourism‐centred smart specialization that aims to combine tourism diversification and sustainable development. Both the promising and problematic side of the concept of smart specialization are discussed and some policy implications for realizing tourism innovation in accordance with the need to draw up an alternative policy agenda for the development of peripheral areas are suggested.
Inner Areas, University, and Territorial Cohesion in Italy: The Sicilian Case Study
In questo articolo gli autori hanno impiegato la metodologia STeMA, adottata nell'ambito del PRIN 2015 e applicata alle aree interne d'Italia, per valutare l'impatto delle politiche nazionali ed europee nel conseguimento dell'obiettivo della coesione territoriale. Dapprima gli autori hanno riportato una sintesi del dibattito scientifico e istituzionale sulla definizione di aree interne e periferie metropolitane. Poi hanno utilizzato tre indicatori per monitorare, secondo l'approccio del Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA), la valorizzazione di importanti fattori di sviluppo localizzati, come le Università e la distribuzione dei laureati triennali. Hanno quindi considerato la politica di sviluppo territoriale della Regione Siciliana nel periodo di programmazione 2014- 2020. Infine gli autori traggono delle prime riflessioni sullo stato della ricerca svolta e sulla necessità di una riconfigurazione del complesso rapporto tra università e territorio, come aspetto strategico della più complessiva politica nazionale per la coesione territoriale.