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Open Access#22020

Western Ranchers' Perspectives on Enablers and Constraints to Flood Irrigation ; Rangeland Ecology & Management


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Open Access#52021

A Web-Based Approach to Stakeholder Analysis for Identifying and Understanding Broader Constituencies in Wildlife Conservation ; Society & Natural Resources


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Article(electronic)#8June 4, 2016

Wildlife Conservation and Private Protected Areas: The Discrepancy Between Land Trust Mission Statements and Their Perceptions

In: Environmental management: an international journal for decision makers, scientists, and environmental auditors, Volume 58, Issue 2, p. 359-364

ISSN: 1432-1009

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Open Access#102020

Testing a continuous measure of recreation specialization among birdwatchers ; Human Dimensions of Wildlife


Open Access#112020

Applying conservation social science to study the human dimensions of Neotropical bird conservation. ; Aplicando las ciencias sociales de la conservación al estudio de las dimensiones humanas para la conservación de las aves Neotropicales


Open Access#122019

Rural-urban differences in hunting and birdwatching attitudes and participation intent ; Human Dimensions of Wildlife


Open Access#132021

Bridging the research-implementation gap in avian conservation with translational ecology ; Ornithological Applications