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¿Por qué se van las mujeres? El "continuum" de movilidad como hipótesis explicativa de la masculinización rural
In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Issue 124, p. 73-105
ISSN: 1988-5903
La masculinización de las poblaciones rurales en España es un fenómeno endémico. Para indagar en sus causas, se analiza la evolución de distintas cohortes de nacidos en municipios rurales y su comportamiento migratorio en función de su nivel de estudios, situación laboral y prácticas de movilidad, especialmente en relación con los mercados laborales. Dicho análisis compara la región de Castilla y León, en donde el fenómeno alcanza la mayor intensidad, con la Comunidad Valenciana, en la que la masculinización aparece atenuada. Las conclusiones apuntan a que los procesos de arraigo y desarraigo de las mujeres rurales están relacionados con las oportunidades laborales y el acceso a la movilidad espacial. El carácter limitado de los mercados de trabajo rurales es resuelto mediante estrategias de commuter y de emigración como vía de acceso a empleos urbanos, estrategias que resultan claramente diferenciadas por género.
Movilidad y cohesión territorial. La conformación del sistema rural-urbano de la automovilidad
In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Issue 185, p. 23-42
ISSN: 1988-5903
El acceso de las sociedades rurales a las oportunidades y recursos del bienestar centra las agendas políticas y de investigación. La persistente brecha rural-urbana incrementa los riesgos de exclusión y constituye un desafío que los habitantes rurales afrontan intensificando su movilidad para acceder a mercados laborales, recursos y servicios. El automóvil se ha convertido en un vector de las conexiones y transformaciones que sostienen la vida rural pero esta movilidad es también fuente de nuevas fracturas en la cohesión socioterritorial. El trabajo explora cómo se ha conformado el sistema de movilidad rural y analiza su impacto sobre estas sociedades. Los resultados sugieren integrar, desde una perspectiva sociológica más compleja, la cuestión de la movilidad en las políticas rurales que abordan el reto demográfico, el desarrollo regional y la cohesión territorial.
Foreign Immigrants in Depopulated Rural Areas: Local Social Services and the Construction of Welcoming Communities
Many rural areas in Spain suffer an acute problem of depopulation. In recent years the arrival of foreign immigrant workers has contributed to alleviating the situation. The social services in rural areas play a fundamental role in the reception of these new residents, and in attending to their needs. These immigrants find themselves in a very vulnerable situation. Added to the needs of any family group with very limited resources are the terms of being a foreigner in an environment in which the coethnic support networks are very scarce. The capacity of both rural councils and local social services to promote the social integration of the immigrants is very limited due to the lack of resources, and to the difficulties associated with the provision of social services in depopulated rural areas. Through in-depth interviews, carried out in a mountainous depopulated region in northern Spain, we analyse the discourses of mayors, social workers and members of civil organizations. The conclusions suggest that the construction of welcoming communities requires reinforcing the community dimension of social work in rural areas, and from an ecological perspective that enhances social participation and coordination among the social actors. Specifically directed initiatives are needed by means of cooperation among the different levels of government and between public and private actors.
Foreign Immigrants in Depopulated Rural Areas: Local Social Services and the Construction of Welcoming Communities
In: Social Inclusion, Volume 6, Issue 3, p. 337-346
ISSN: 2183-2803
Many rural areas in Spain suffer an acute problem of depopulation. In recent years the arrival of foreign immigrant workers has contributed to alleviating the situation. The social services in rural areas play a fundamental role in the reception of these new residents, and in attending to their needs. These immigrants find themselves in a very vulnerable situation. Added to the needs of any family group with very limited resources are the terms of being a foreigner in an environment in which the coethnic support networks are very scarce. The capacity of both rural councils and local social services to promote the social integration of the immigrants is very limited due to the lack of resources, and to the difficulties associated with the provision of social services in depopulated rural areas. Through in-depth interviews, carried out in a mountainous depopulated region in northern Spain, we analyse the discourses of mayors, social workers and members of civil organizations. The conclusions suggest that the construction of welcoming communities requires reinforcing the community dimension of social work in rural areas, and from an ecological perspective that enhances social participation and coordination among the social actors. Specifically directed initiatives are needed by means of cooperation among the different levels of government and between public and private actors.
Mobility and household forms as adaptive strategies of rural populations
In: Portuguese journal of social science, Volume 15, Issue 3, p. 349-366
ISSN: 1758-9509
Social and territorial inequalities take on new dimensions in times of economic recession. The impact of the crisis on policies aimed at achieving equity in access to opportunities and the provision of public services has been particularly acute in rural areas of Southern Europe. This article analyses the role that mobility, household composition and family networks play in the strategies that social groups use when facing such periods of uncertainty. We first analyse the changes in the forms of rural governance and in policies aimed at rural territories and societies. Second, we look at the role that mobility and rural households have historically played in strategies of resistance in times of crisis. The plasticity that family and household forms offer in shaping relations of intergenerational solidarity – caring for dependents, material assistance, etc. – is an essential resource in these strategies. These issues are illustrated with examples from fieldwork carried out in the Pyrenees in the region of Navarre. In contrast to the traditional equivalence assumed between the family as a kinship group, the home as a domestic partnership and the household as a space of single residency, our analysis sees them as independent. Our research shows that, in the adaptive strategies of family groups, mobility, networks between homes and the advantages of territorial localization play an essential role.
Exploring the Social Face of Urban Mobility: Daily Mobility as Part of the Social Structure in Spain
In: International journal of urban and regional research, Volume 32, Issue 2, p. 344-362
ISSN: 1468-2427
AbstractThis article considers the social aspects of daily mobility, which is studied as a social product, based on significant family strategies and social practices. Our analysis shows the importance of variables such as the lifecycle of households, class trends and family networks as well as class, gender and generational sub‐cultures. The different forms of daily mobility are seen to be linked to other social strategies (residential, labour, sociability, etc.) that create a varying range of social situations. Urban and mobility policies, urban dispersion, greater automobile use and new trends in the socio‐technical organization of cities exert a great influence on these unequal social positions, promoting new forms of exclusion and social risks. Based on the study of a medium‐sized city in Southern Europe (Pamplona‐Iruñea, the regional capital of Navarra), which is developing fast from a concentrated pattern to one of residential dispersion based on greater automobile use, an analysis is carried out into how family mobility strategies tie in with different sociological profiles. The study aims to provide interesting theoretical and methodological reflections on mobility that will be of use to professionals, institutions and civil movements working in the field of mobility regulation.Resumé Cet article s'intéresse aux aspects sociaux de la mobilité quotidienne, laquelle est étudiée en tant que produit social, en fonction de stratégies familiales et de pratiques sociales significatives. L'analyse montre l'importance de variables telles que le cycle de vie des ménages, les tendances de classe et les réseaux familiaux, ou encore les sous‐cultures de classe, de genre et générationnelles. Les différentes formes de mobilité quotidienne apparaissent liées à d'autres stratégies sociales (résidence, travail, sociabilité, etc.), celles‐ci créant toute une variété de situations sociales. Les politiques de la ville et de la mobilité, la dispersion urbaine, l'usage accru de l'automobile, ainsi que de nouvelles tendances dans l'organisation sociotechnique des villes, influent considérablement sur ces situations sociales inégales, tout en favorisant de nouvelles formes d'exclusion et de risques sociaux. A partir de l'étude d'une ville moyenne du sud de l'Europe (Iruñea‐Pamplune, capitale régionale de la Navarre) qui évolue rapidement d'un schéma concentré vers une dispersion résidentielle grâce à un usage accru de l'automobile, une analyse examine comment les stratégies de mobilité des familles rejoignent différents profils sociologiques. Ce travail vise à produire des réflexions théoriques et méthodologiques sur la mobilité qui soient intéressantes et pertinentes pour les experts, les institutions et les mouvements civils impliqués dans la régulation de la mobilité.
¿Por qué se van las mujeres? El continuum de movilidad como hipótesis explicativa de la masculinización rural (Why Are Women Leaving? The Mobility Continuum as an Explanation of Rural Masculinization Process)
In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Issue 124, p. 73
ISSN: 1988-5903
La población rural de España: de los desequilibrios a la sostenibilidad social
In: Colección Estudios Sociales Núm. 27
The rural population in Spain: from disequilibrium to social sustainability
In: Social Studies Collection No. 27
Retos de cambio para la vida rural: Procesos, dinámicas y políticas públicas
In: Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, Volume 28, Issue 1
ISSN: 2254-4135
Los diversos retos de cambio para la sostenibilidad de la vida en los espacios rurales atienden a una serie de procesos, dinámicas y políticas públicas que se exponen en este artículo. Se apunta a una serie de procesos como la construcción de un rural cosmopolita, de espacios de intensa movilidad, de proyectos vitales para una juventud con sus propias necesidades y estilos de vida. Contrastamos cómo estas dinámicas de los territorios de baja densidad requieren políticas públicas adecuadas para combatir las desigualdades y los desequilibrios a fin de cerrar las brechas rural-urbanas. Seguidamente, se introducen los materiales que componen este monográfico y que suscitan el debate sobre los pilares que frenan o alientan el fenómeno de la despoblación.
Foreigners, Neighbours, Immigrants: Translocal Mobilities in Rural Areas in Spain
In: Translocal Ruralism; GeoJournal Library, p. 143-162
Emprendedoras rurales: de trabajadoras invisibles a sujetos pendientes
In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Issue 120, p. 191
ISSN: 1988-5903
El cambio rural: una lectura desde la desagrarización y la desigualdad social
In: Revista austral de ciencias sociales, Issue 38, p. 191-211
ISSN: 0718-1795