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Article(electronic)#3August 1, 1995

Power, Machines and Social Relations: Delegating to Information Technology in the National Health Service

In: Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society, Volume 2, Issue 3-4, p. 489-518

ISSN: 1461-7323

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Article(electronic)#4November 1, 1991

The Role of Information Systems in the UK National Health Service: Action at a Distance and the Fetish of Calculation

In: Social studies of science: an international review of research in the social dimensions of science and technology, Volume 21, Issue 4, p. 701-734

ISSN: 1460-3659

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Article(electronic)#5August 1, 1989

On Speaking about Computing

In: Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association, Volume 23, Issue 3, p. 409-426

ISSN: 1469-8684

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Article(electronic)#6November 1, 1985

Anomalies and Social Experience: Backcasting with Simulation Models

In: Social studies of science: an international review of research in the social dimensions of science and technology, Volume 15, Issue 4, p. 631-675

ISSN: 1460-3659

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Open Access#72020

Limitless? Imaginaries of cognitive enhancement and the labouring body


Article(electronic)#8June 29, 2015

Fit for work? Redefining 'Normal' and 'Extreme' through human enhancement technologies

In: Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society, Volume 22, Issue 4, p. 552-569

ISSN: 1461-7323

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Open Access#92017

Landfarming:A contested space for the management of waste from oil and gas extraction


Article(electronic)#10March 17, 2015

Mors ex Machina: Technology, Embodiment and the Organization of Destruction

In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Volume 36, Issue 5, p. 621-641

ISSN: 1741-3044

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Article(electronic)#11December 21, 2012

Symbolic Communication in Public Protest Over Genetic Modification: Visual Rhetoric, Symbolic Excess, and Social Mores

In: Science communication, Volume 35, Issue 4, p. 502-527

ISSN: 1552-8545

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Article(electronic)#12November 18, 2010

Imagination and technoscientific innovations: Governance of transgenic cows in New Zealand

In: Social studies of science: an international review of research in the social dimensions of science and technology, Volume 41, Issue 1, p. 59-83

ISSN: 1460-3659

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Article(electronic)#13May 20, 2009

Power and Organizational Transformation through Technology: Hybrids of Electronic Government

In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Volume 30, Issue 5, p. 461-487

ISSN: 1741-3044

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Article(electronic)#15November 1, 1999

The Outer Limits: Monsters, Actor Networks and the Writing of Displacement

In: Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society, Volume 6, Issue 4, p. 625-647

ISSN: 1461-7323

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