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Article(electronic)#5September 20, 2004

Development of Small and Medium Business — the Locomotive of the Economy (The Case of Taiwan)

In: Voprosy Ekonomiki, Issue 9, p. 123-129

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Open Access#102020

Assessment of Surface Water Quality in the Udy` River Basin ; Оценка качества поверхностных вод в бассейне реки Уды ; Оцінка якості поверхневих вод у басейні річки Уди


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World Affairs Online

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Article(electronic)#14September 28, 2015

Remarks on the Impact of Science and Technology Progress on International Relations in Digital Era

In: Ežegodnik IMI: Institute for international studies yearbook, Issue 3, p. 103-115

ISSN: 2541-9633

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Germany and France: to Concordance for the Sake of Europe?

In: Mirovaja ėkonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija: MĖMO, Issue 12, p. 82-90

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