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Self-Expression and Addiction: Instagram Use by Czech and Spanish University Students

In: Plaridel

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Open Access#52007

Historical evolution of the Educational Inspection through the main legal references ; Evolución histórica de la Inspección Educativa a través de los principales referentes legales


Open Access#72020

Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Structural Equation Model for Good Teaching Practices


Open Access#82019

Intercultural and Community Schools. Learning to Live Together


Open Access#92020

Social appropriation of knowledge as a key factor for local development and open innovation: A systematic review


Open Access#102020

Models of good teaching practices for mobile learning in higher education


Open Access#112017

Percepciones de los futuros docentes respecto al potencial de la ludificación y la inclusión de los videojuegos en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje


Open Access#122020

Virtual Reality Treatment for Public Speaking Anxiety in Students. Advancements and Results in Personalized Medicine


Open Access#132017

Investigaciones en filosofía y cultura en Colombia y América Latina