ES įtaka tautinių mažumų pilietinėms teisėms Baltijos valstybėse ; The impact of EU on the civic rights of national minorities in the Baltic states
There are not many pure ethnical states in the world. Due of very different reasons, for example, changing of states borders or collapse of one state and emerging of other and many other political factors, a lot of people find home for them selves not in their ethnical countries. This way they become national minorities. It means, they are groups of peole living not in their home-land and they compound minority in that country. They differ from majority on their culture, languige, traditions and so on. Sometimes these people are discriminated by majority, even enslaved. Nowadays all means necessery for keeping they rights are taken, but not in every state. Not all nations behave with national minorities in the same way. Will Kymlicka explaines where is the difference between the Western democracy states and Eastern postcomunist states. The common model in the first ones – territorial autonomy and in the second ones – cultural autonomy. Now then they are members of EU the situation should change into the good – they must preserve all human rights including the rights of the ethnic minorities. Anyway, the civic rights of national minorities is still very controversial topic in the Baltic states. This determined choice of the theme of this paper. The subject of this work is the EU impact on the civic rights of national minorities in the Baltic states and their changes after regaining the independance and preparing for joining EU. The goal of this work is to analyse how EU requirements and recommendations influenced the legal handling with the national minorities in the Baltic states. Methods of research: analytic and comparative.There are three states compared: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. They all had the same historical past in the 20th century. The main difference was not equall state of the representatives of national minorities in each of these countries after they regained the independance. This influenced very different behaviour with them. Latvia and Estonia are very often accused of bad treatment of their national minorities. About Lithuania foreign authors usually says there are not big problems in there. But everyone agreed that the situation of national minorities changed in the good way gradually. Hypothesis: these changes were influenced by EU. Following tasks will help to support this hypothesis: 1)Theoretical review of different models of national minorities and analysing the national minorities in the Baltic states according to them. 2)To analyse the legal acts by EU regarding the protection of national minorities. 3)To describe national minorities in the Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and to compare how their laws match the laws of EU. 4)To analyse and compare the impact of the homelands of national minorities on the policy of the Baltic states.