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Article(electronic)#5July 1, 2012

Vigencia del pensamiento de Monseñor Sanabria para una teología y política solidaria e inclusiva global*

In: Revista Espiga, Volume 10, Issue 23, p. 201-214

ISSN: 2215-454X

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Open Access#62012

Vigencia del pensamiento de Monseñor Sanabria para una teología y política solidaria e inclusiva global*


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Open Access#82019

Development and Comparison of Two Multiresidue Methods for the Determination of 17 Aspergillus and Fusarium Mycotoxins in Cereals Using HPLC-ESI-TQ-MS/MS


Open Access#92021

Chickpea in western Cuba: Agrodiversity fairs contributions ; El garbanzo en el occidente de Cuba: aportes de las ferias de agrodiversidad


Article(electronic)#10February 6, 2023

Competencias docentes: demanda, condiciones y líneas investigativas para una formación posgraduada en innovación educativa

In: Wani: Revista del Caribe Nicaragüense, Issue 78

ISSN: 2308-7862

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Open Access#112019

Seed ecology of the geophyte Conopodium majus (Apiaceae), indicator species of ancient woodland understories and oligotrophic meadows


Open Access#122019

Seed ecology of the geophyte Conopodium majus (Apiaceae), indicator species of ancient woodland understories and oligotrophic meadows


Open Access#132022

Plant reproductive traits in old and recently-restored temperate forest understories


Open Access#142021

Telemedicine Applications in the Era of COVID-19: Telesurgery Issues


Open Access#152022

Driving under the influence of drugs: Correlation between blood psychoactive drug concentrations and cognitive impairment. A narrative review taking into account forensic issues