Sekuritizacija pandemije tokom predizborne kampanje u Srbiji 2020 godine ; Securitization of Pandemic during the 2020 Electoral Campaign in Serbia
Predmet ovog rada je upotreba sekuritizacije pandemije od strane vladajućih političkih elita u cilju dobijanja političkih poena u predizbornoj kampanji u Srbiji 2020. godine, kao i posledice ovog procesa. Samim tim analiza nudi drugačiju perspektivu za sagledavanje manipulacije tokom funkcionerske kampanje korišćenjem analitičkog okvira teorije sekuritizacije, uz dodatak teorije frejminga. Tako će sa analitičkog stanovišta obraditi sve osnovne elemente sekuritizacije pandemije, dok će normativni deo poslužiti za ispitivanje etičnosti, odnosno opravdanosti ove sekuritizacije. Primenom analize diskursa dolazi se do zaključka da je sekuritizacija pandemije bila u funkciji promocije lidera i vladajuće političke partije u Srbiji, a ne stvarne borbe za bezbednost građana. ; The subject of this paper is the use of the securitization of the pandemic by the ruling political elites for the purpose of acquiring political points in the election campaign in Serbia in 2020, as well as the consequences of the process. Thus,the analysis offers a different perspective for observing the manipulation during the campaign of the bureaucrats by using analytical framework of the securitization theory, with the addition of framing theory. In that way, from theanalytical point of view, one will process all the basic elements of the securitization of the pandemic, while the normative part will serve to examine the ethics, respecting the justification of the securitization. By applying the discourseanalysis, a conclusion was reached that securitization of the pandemic was in the function of promoting the leaders and ruling political party in Serbia and not the actual fight for the safety of citizens.