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Article(electronic)#2July 10, 2020

Multilateral Trade Liberalization and Trade Tax versus Non-Trade Tax Revenue

In: Revue d'économie politique, Volume 130, Issue 3, p. 373-403

ISSN: 2105-2883

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Working paper

Article(electronic)#4July 6, 2009

Trade taxes and international investment

In: The Canadian journal of economics: the journal of the Canadian Economics Association = Revue canadienne d'économique, Volume 42, Issue 3, p. 882-899

ISSN: 1540-5982

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Open Access#62021

Trade, taxes and tensions in the Somali borderlands

In: Hagmann , T 2021 , Trade, taxes and tensions in the Somali borderlands . Rift Valley Institute , London .


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Open Access#92003

Gains from Trade in Tax Revenue and the Efficiency Case for Trade Taxes



Fiscal dependence on trade taxes and trade policy reform

In: The journal of development studies: JDS, Volume 27, Issue Apr 91

ISSN: 0022-0388

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Trade, taxes and debt repayment in Sri Lanka

In: The journal of development studies: JDS, Volume 29, Issue 1, p. 148-165

ISSN: 0022-0388

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World Affairs Online

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