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Book(electronic)#120143 versions available

Massacre in Norway: the 2011 terror attacks on Oslo and the Utøya Youth Camp



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Vorboten der Barbarei: zum Massaker von Utøya

In: LaikaTheorie 14

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Massacre in Norway: the 2011 terror attacks on Oslo and the Utøya Youth Camp

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World Affairs Online

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Book(electronic)#720132 versions available

A Norwegian Tragedy: Anders Behring Breivik and the Massacre on Utya



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Article(electronic)#10June 30, 2020

Utøya – Christchurch – Halle. Right-wing Extremists' Terrorism

In: Security Dimensions, Volume 33, Issue 33, p. 84-97

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Open Access#112020

Utøya – Christchurch – Halle. Right-wing Extremists' Terrorism



One of us: the story of Anders Breivik and the massacre in Norway

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Open Access#142019

Trust After Terror: Institutional Trust Among Young Terror Survivors and Their Parents After the 22nd of July Terrorist Attack on Utøya Island, Norway


Open Access#152019

Trust after Terror: Institutional trust among young terror survivors and their parents after the 22nd of July terrorist attack on Utøya island, Norway