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Hard money: taking gold to a higher investment level

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Open Access#92021

The financial determinants of investment level based on the direction of production of agricultural enterprises in the European union


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Article(electronic)#12July 1, 2017

Investment Level and Structure in the Region of Central and Eastern Europe and Barriers for Investment Growth Reported by Entrepreneurs in the Light of Findings of Own Survey Research

In: Przegląd wschodnioeuropejski: East European review, Volume 8, Issue 1, p. 125-140

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Open Access#132014

An Empirical Study of Sectoral-Level Capital Investments in New Zealand


Article(electronic)#14August 27, 2020

Why the financial aid of the EU's regional policy does not impact on the public investment level? The case of the Spanish regions

In: Journal of public affairs, Volume 22, Issue 1

ISSN: 1479-1854

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Alternative investments: CAIA level I

In: Wiley finance

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