The purpose of the work – to help understand the philosophical and legal essence; to formulate a modern vision of the legal profession; to develop a conscious and responsible attitude to it; to master the principles and organizational forms of activity of the court, human rights and law enforcement agencies, to determine the role and importance of the profession in building the rule of law, ensuring the rights and interests of citizens and legal entities protected by law. It covers issues of the origin and development of legal deontology; the ratio of morality and law; ethics of lawyers as one of the integral elements of professional culture. Emphasis is placed on the forms of legal activity, the specifics of legal professions, in particular, judge, prosecutor, lawyer, investigator, notary, legal adviser. Legal deontology occupies a prominent place among legal disciplines in the network of higher education in Ukraine. It provides a system, forms, methods and tools for training highly qualified, intellectually developed lawyers. After all, their professional activity must be correlated with moral principles, cover the rules of ethics, achieve true results with those who provide legal services. Therefore, in order to understand state and legal phenomena, to transfer the principles of regularity, harmony of nature into the legal sphere, it is necessary to know the spiritual basis of life more deeply from internal positions, to evaluate one'sown vision of official duties, to feel the essence of being according to time. This is the relevance of this work. Legal deontology is actively combined with special courses: theory of state and law, culturology, philosophy of law, psychology. Because it is the philosophical direction that actualizes theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this discipline. After all, such concepts as the rule of law, moral and legal values, justice - focus on legal activities. Legal deontology is the discipline from which the study of jurisprudence begins. It is here that students learn about legal science and practice. After all, without mastering the knowledge of legal activity, its types - it is impossible to consider the qualities of lawyers and the requirements for their various specialties. The subject of legal deontology is a set of rules that a lawyer should follow; a system of legal, political, psychological, ethical norms that determine the rules of communication between a lawyer and people, relationships with clients and his behavior. Legal deontology, in particular, belongs to the group of applied sciences; submits ethical requirements aimed at the performance of professional duties by lawyers. ; У праці досліджується питання розвитку юридичної деонтології; співвідношення моралі і права; етики юристів, як одного з невід'ємних елементів професійної культури. Мета праці – розкрити філософсько-правову сутність; сформулювати сучасне бачення професії юриста; підкреслити свідоме й відповідальне ставлення до неї; сконцентрувати увагу на деонтологічних особливостях стосовно вимог до особистісних і професійних якостей юриста; визначити роль і значення професії у побудові правової держави, забезпеченні прав та інтересів громадян і юридичних осіб, що охороняються законом.