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Article(electronic)#8161February 16, 2024

Towards a dynamic earthquake risk framework for Switzerland

In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Volume 24, Issue 2, p. 583-607

ISSN: 1684-9981

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Article(electronic)#8166April 30, 2024

"Lost Child" or Vanguard? Linking Fatyanovo Population with Middle Volga Abashevo Culture using Ancient DNA Sequencing Data

In: Stratum plus: archeologija i kulʹturnaja antropologija = Stratum plus : archaeology and cultural anthropology, Issue 2, p. 227-249

ISSN: 1857-3533

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Information about the Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation «Modern problems of the university psychological service in new realities»

In: Vestnik Permskogo universiteta: Perm University Herald. Seriya Filosofia Psikhologiya Sotsiologiya = Series "Philosophy, psychologie, sociology", Issue 4, p. 688-692

ISSN: 2686-7532

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Article(electronic)#8169January 11, 2021

The medical and social importance of mental and behavior disorders among military personnel in peacetime and warfare

In: Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, Volume 124, Issue 4, p. 481-487

ISSN: 2501-2312

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Article(electronic)#8170November 29, 2023

Increasing the Level of Patriotism and Civic Activity of Student Youth: Problems of Optimizing Educational Work at a University

In: Teorija i praktika obščestvennogo razvitija: meždunarodnyj naučnyj žurnal : sociologija, ėkonomika, pravo, Issue 11, p. 41-51

ISSN: 2072-7623

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Open Access#81722022

Bringing rehabilitation home with an e-health platform to treat stroke patients : study protocol of a randomized clinical trial (RGS@home)


Open Access#81742020

Perspectives on Physics of E×B Discharges Relevant to Plasma Propulsion and Similar Technologies


Open Access#81752020

Active Transportation and Obesity Indicators in Adults from Latin America: ELANS Multi-Country Study