Preface to' The Chinese in Southeast Asia and Beyond: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions
In: The Chinese in Southeast Asia and Beyond: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions
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In: The Chinese in Southeast Asia and Beyond: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions
[EN] Irregular immigration arriving on small boats from the African continent has placed the Canary Islands at the center of the national and European political agenda regarding immigration. It has also converted the archipelago into an observatory where the connections between migration policies and human rights can be analyzed. One of the main arguments of this article is that despite the archipelago's long history of receiving immigrants and the presence of other groups of irregular migrants, what triggered the incorporation of immigration into the regional political agenda and political rhetoric was the fl ow of clandestine African immigrants at the end of the 1990s. The increased frequency with which these boats began to arrive on its shores in the fi rst half of 2006 has reignited and intensifi ed the debate on population, territory and identity in the archipelago ; [ES] La llegada de inmigración irregular en embarcaciones procedentes del cercano continente africano a las Islas Canarias ha situado a este archipiélago en el centro de la agenda política española y europea sobre inmigración. También ha convertido a esta región en un buen observatorio para entender los vínculos entre políticas migratorias y derechos humanos. El propósito de este artículo es estudiar los vínculos entre la inmigración y la dinámica política en este contexto geográfico. Uno de los principales argumentos será que, a pesar de su larga historia como contexto receptor y a la presencia de otros tipos de inmigración irregular, la intensificación de las llegadas desde el continente africano ha provocado la incorporación de la inmigración en la agenda política regional y en el discurso público. El aumento del flujo desde 2006 ha moldeado e intensificado el debate interno sobre la población, el territorio y la identidad. La llegada de inmigración irregular en embarcaciones procedentes del cercano continente africano a las Islas Canarias ha situado a este archipiélago en el centro de la agenda política española y europea sobre inmigración. También ha convertido a esta región en un buen observatorio para entender los vínculos entre políticas migratorias y derechos humanos. El propósito de este artículo es estudiar los vínculos entre la inmigración y la dinámica política en este contexto geográfico. Uno de los principales argumentos será que, a pesar de su larga historia como contexto receptor y a la presencia de otros tipos de inmigración irregular, la intensificación de las llegadas desde el continente africano ha provocado la incorporación de la inmigración en la agenda política regional y en el discurso público. El aumento del flujo desde 2006 ha moldeado e intensificado el debate interno sobre la población, el territorio y la identidad. ; Peer reviewed
hrsg. von Guido Braun . ; Beitr. teilw. dt., teilw. franz. ; Rezension ; Inhaltsverzeichnis ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- PVA 2007.3590
The Darfur Peace Agreement was signed on 5 May 2006 in Abuja, Nigeria. It has not brought safety to the people of Darfur. The humanitarian crisis continues to be deeply worrying despite aspirations to achieve improved conditions for the suffering population of Darfur. The report Mapping Darfur is published one year after the peace agreement was signed. It is based on a series of seminars during February and March 2007 organised by the Nordic Africa Institute, the Life and Peace Institute and ABF Stockholm. The key intention was to increase knowledge and good understanding of the underlying causes of the crisis in Darfur through contributions from different actors and observers, such as academia, politicians and humanitarian aid workers.
[EN] Irregular immigration arriving on small boats from the African continent has placed the Canary Islands at the center of the national and European political agenda regarding immigration. It has also converted the archipelago into an observatory where the connections between migration policies and human rights can be analyzed. One of the main arguments of this article is that despite the archipelago's long history of receiving immigrants and the presence of other groups of irregular migrants, what triggered the incorporation of immigration into the regional political agenda and political rhetoric was the fl ow of clandestine African immigrants at the end of the 1990s. The increased frequency with which these boats began to arrive on its shores in the fi rst half of 2006 has reignited and intensifi ed the debate on population, territory and identity in the archipelago. ; [ES] La llegada de inmigración irregular en embarcaciones procedentes del cercano continente africano a las Islas Canarias ha situado a este archipiélago en el centro de la agenda política española y europea sobre inmigración. También ha convertido a esta región en un buen observatorio para entender los vínculos entre políticas migratorias y derechos humanos. El propósito de este artículo es estudiar los vínculos entre la inmigración y la dinámica política en este contexto geográfi co. Uno de los principales argumentos será que, a pesar de su larga historia como contexto receptor y a la presencia de otros tipos de inmigración irregular, la intensifi cación de las llegadas desde el continente africano ha provocado la incorporación de la inmigración en la agenda política regional y en el discurso público. El aumento del fl ujo desde 2006 ha moldeado e intensifi cado el debate interno sobre la población, el territorio y la identidad. ; Peer reviewed
The pluralization of our society goes on, regardless of the French desire to restore the republican roots through the debate concerning the Islamic veil in the schools, regardless of Germany's attempts to impose a Leitkultur, regardless of the researchers' reflections around the political issue of what "integration" really means. This pluralization, which is unquestionably not only related to the phenomenon of migration, challenges the European national societies in three different ways. Firstly, by the constant ambivalence between the national identity discourse and the supranational construction of a European State. Secondly, by the internal differentiation of the civil society, which still only recognizes itself as a unity in the (accepted) difference. Thirdly, through the nation-state differentiations of belongings, which partially get disconnected from the territory and honoured through interlaced judicial claims, as shown by the topic of undocumented immigrants' access to health care. These dynamics of differentiation and of pluralization will here be pointed as "Americanization" of Europe, which is imposing itself "from below", while awaiting regulation "from above".
The status of minorities is in the modern world generally considered to be one of the measures of consolidation of democracy. This text analyzes position of members of Italian and Hungarian minorities in Slovene political system and the rate of their political participation in the decision-making process. The first part of this study is based on the analysis of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and other fundamental laws that determinate the position of autochthonous minorities in Slovenia. The second part subsequently deals with the real possibilities of minorities' representatives to influence political decisions and their ability to enforce their rights and claims both on the local and state level.
In: Political Studies 55, 2
In: HISPANICS AND THE FUTURE OF AMERICA, pp. 16-65, Marta Tienda and Faith Mitchell, eds, National Academies Press, 2006
В статье представлен авторский подход к проблеме классификации национализма, который в качестве основополагающего принципа разграничения имеет различие уровней восприятия национализма представителями той или иной социальной группы. В этом ракурсе национализм рассматривается как миф, как теория и идеология, как политическая доктрина и практика, как причина формирования наций и как защитный барьер наций. ; The article presents the author's approach to the problem of classification of nationalism which as a basic principle of differentiation uses levels of perception of nationalism by representatives of different social groups. In this aspect nationalism is regarded as myth, as theory and ideology, as political doctrine and practice, as a reason of formation of nations and as a protective barrier of nations.
Against the background of a rapidly changing business environment, the article examines the organisational change management behavior of the owner-managers of small and medium-sized enterprises in Singapore. The analysis of survey data is aimed at ascertain whether there are any differences between Chinese and English-educated small (Chinese) businessmen in terms of Change Management (CM), a dichotomy which is of great historical and politico-cultural significance in Singapore. The survey data show that there are indeed differences between the subgroups (e.g. with regard to the initiation of a more participatory people management style) but these variations turned out to be far less pronounced than expected. Access to information appears to be a key antecedent of the various change management approaches used by both groups. Chinese-educated businessmen in particular seem to be somewhat disadvantaged in this respect as the modern management literature is largely published in English.
In: Middle East report: MER ; Middle East research and information project, MERIP, Volume 35, Issue 1, p. 40-55
ISSN: 0888-0328, 0899-2851
In: Cultural studies - critical methodologies, Volume 5, Issue 1, p. 3-29
ISSN: 1552-356X
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Volume 48, Issue 5, p. 523-538
ISSN: 0002-7642
In: The journal of North African studies, Volume 10, Issue 3-4, p. 339-367
ISSN: 1743-9345