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Squeeze-outs nach deutschem, französischem und spanischem Gesellschaftsrecht: eine ökonomische und rechtsvergleichende Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Rechtsentwicklung
In: Frankfurter wirtschaftsrechtliche Studien 97
Squeeze-outs nach deutschem, französischem und spanischem Gesellschaftsrecht: eine ökonomische und rechtsvergleichende Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Rechtsentwicklung
In: Frankfurter wirtschaftsrechtliche Studien 97
Steuerliche Implikationen eines "Squeeze-Out" gemäß §§ 327a ff. AktG: Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit einer ertragsteuerlichen Billigkeitsregelung
In: Berichte aus der Rechtswissenschaft
Der übernahmerechtliche Squeeze-out gemäß §§ 39a, 39b WpÜG: Analyse eines neuen Instituts zum Ausschluss von Minderheitsaktionären
In: Schriftenreihe zum Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht 24
Aktienoptionen bei Strukturveränderungen der Arbeitgebergesellschaft: der Schutz der Arbeitnehmeraktienoption bei Eingliederung, Squeeze-out, Umwandlung, Delisting, Betriebsübergang und Insolvenz
In: Studienreihe Wirtschaftsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse 64
GESELLSCHAFTS- UND WIRTSCHAFTSRECHT - AUFSATZ - Der Ausschluss von Minderheiten nach altem und neuem Recht - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des "Squeeze Out"
In: Deutsches Steuerrecht: DStR ; Wochenschrift & umfassende Datenbank für Steuerberater ; Steuerrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Betriebswirtschaft, Beruf ; Organ der Bundessteuerberaterkammer, Volume 41, Issue 20-21, p. 838-844
ISSN: 0949-7676, 0012-1347
Regulating squeeze-out techniques by controlling shareholders: The divergence between Hong Kong and Singapore
Squeeze-out transactions are controversial as the controlling shareholders may expropriate the minorities' shareholdings at unattractive prices. Existing scholarship has focused on the optimal approach towards regulating such transactions in the US and the UK, which have widely dispersed public shareholdings, but little attention is placed on jurisdictions with concentrated shareholdings, which may necessitate a different approach given that the prospects of expropriation are very high. This article fills the gap by examining Hong Kong and Singapore, which have concentrated shareholdings. Notwithstanding the fact that they have adapted their corporate and securities laws from the UK, Hong Kong ultimately provides greater minority shareholder protection than Singapore. We present empirical evidence that the differences in regulation have led to a smaller number of squeeze-outs but higher premium payable to minority shareholders in Hong Kong, as compared to Singapore. However, Hong Kong firms experience higher levels of related party transactions prior to the squeeze-outs, which represent another form of tunnelling. We explain that the differences in regulation and discuss the normative implications of our findings. Our study contributes to the broader literature that "law matters" and provides case studies of how interest group politics shape the evolvement of laws and regulation.
The delisting decision: The case of buyout offer with squeeze-out (BOSO)
In: International review of law and economics, Volume 31, Issue 4, p. 228-239
ISSN: 0144-8188
Problematics of the Status of Majorities and Minorities in the Joint Stock Company. Squeeze-Out Mechanisms
The paper deals with the most debatable questions about the legal nature of corporate relationships based on the membership of joint stock companies, namely the legal status of majorities and minority interests and the squeeze-out and sell-out mechanisms in these legal relationships and the conflicts of interest between these entities, which is called greenmail, about the scope of these relationships and about the basis of corporate relationships based on actual composition. In the corporate and commercial law of Ukraine, some of the most debatable issues are the legal status of minorities and majorities and the squeeze-out procedure based on the legal relationship between these entities. Adoption of the Target Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Corporate Governance in Joint Stock Companies" in 2018 adds some optimism to solving the traditional problems in this area, as well as the current changes to the laws regulating relations between minority shareholders and majorities. in business entities. In 2018, squeeze-out legislation came into force in Ukraine. This procedure enables a majority shareholder (or group of majority shareholders) who owns 95 percent or more of the shares of a joint stock company to oust the minority shareholders (the remaining shareholders holding 5 percent or less of the shares) and become a sole proprietor of the business. During this time, majority shareholders in more than 200 companies have exercised their right to hold squeeze-out. In the realities of today, there are many businesses where majority shareholders are still arguing over whether to hold squeeze-out. These disputes may arise from the prospect of litigation with minority shareholders in Ukrainian courts, though undergoing reform but still often making unpredictable or biased decisions. For certain majorities, squeeze-out is not limited to the procedure for buying back shares from minority interests, but continues - disputes with minority shareholders in Ukrainian courts. Minorities ask ...
Regulating Squeeze-Out Techniques by Controlling Shareholders: The Divergence between Hong Kong and Singapore
In: Forthcoming in Journal of Corporate Law Studies
Der Transaktionsprozess des verschmelzungsrechtlichen Squeeze-out gemäß § 62 Absatz 5 UmwG: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung spezifischer Durchführungsrisiken
In: Europäische Hochschulschriften
In: Reihe 2, Rechtswissenschaft 5649
Analoge Anwendung des §281 ZPO auf die Antragstellung beim sachlich oder örtlich unzuständigen Gericht in Squeeze-Out-Verfahren
In: Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht, Volume 63, Issue 11, p. 607-610
ISSN: 2194-4202
Rechtsprechung - Barabfindung bei Squeeze-out: Zur Anpassung des Börsenkurswertes - OLG Saarbrücken v. 11.6.2014 - 1 W 18/13
In: Deutsches Steuerrecht: DStR ; Wochenschrift & umfassende Datenbank für Steuerberater ; Steuerrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Betriebswirtschaft, Beruf ; Organ der Bundessteuerberaterkammer, Volume 52, Issue 35, p. 1727-1731
ISSN: 0949-7676, 0012-1347, 0949-7676, 0012-1347
Squeeze-Out and Business Valuation in Germany – A Law and Economics Analysis of Judicial Decision-Making
In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: AEL ; a convivium, Volume 13, Issue 3, p. 343-372
ISSN: 2152-2820
AbstractAs an outcome of the scientific conflict within business valuation theory in the German-speaking area,New Political Economy of Business Valuationhas developed a possible approach to explain the dissemination of neoclassical valuation concepts in theory and practice. This explanatory model, designed by Quill (2016), is extended by Follert (2020) to include the share valuation in squeeze-out cases for the compensation of minority shareholders. For this purpose, the different actors in the legal mediation procedure ("Spruchverfahren")—the judge, the auditor as expert, and the conflicting parties—are modeled based on their stereotypical interests. The aim of the present paper is to introduce international scientific community to the scientific conflict between the proponents of investment-theoretical and those of the finance-theoretical conception, and to discuss the role of judicial decision-making from a legal-economic perspective. We would like to illustrate why a judge could benefit from the use of finance-theoretical valuation methods based on the neoclassical capital asset pricing model recommended by the relevant standard (so-called standard 1) of the "Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland IDW" (Institute of Public Auditors in Germany) ("IDW S 1"). The analysis takes a socioeconomic perspective and argues that judicial valuation is primarily influenced by the judges' tendency to promote their own reputation and by social pressure from their professional environment and different interest groups. This paper adds a further perspective toNew Political Economy of Business Valuation. Moreover, the close link between jurisprudence, economics and business economics theory is pointed out. Although the approach presented deals with the squeeze-out under German law, it may be applicable to squeeze-out arrangements in other countries as well, as long as the basic assumptions apply in their legal systems.