Towards Sexual Education: Moroccan Youth's Perception Between Globality and Islam
In: Pacha: revista de estudios contemporáneos del sur global : journal of contemporary studies of the global south, Volume 1, Issue 3, p. 26-38
ISSN: 2697-3677
In this research, the nation-state forces certain archaic cultural forms and practices on the current youth population. This is a result of the lack of adequate communication between the state and the Moroccan youth. Thus, Morocco continues to press on teaching abstinence-only sex programs since 2005. This research attempts to Bridge the gap of communication through articulating Moroccan youth's perceptions and their relation with globalization and religion. The first part of the Analysis argues that globalization shapes sexual education is received. The positive perception of sexual education is due to glocality since the individual youth identifies with the western culture he or she witnesses on media and the internet. This leads to an urge to experiencing sex outside of marriage. The negative perception of sexual education is due to grobality, yet this is a minority within the sample. In the second part, participants perceive Islam to be for sexual education. Then, there is a need for sexual safety especially since youth are already engaging in premarital intercourses. Sexual education would keep them away from STDs and pregnancies out of wedlock. Thus, the Moroccan youth's perception favors sexual education and seeks to implement it as a means of dealing with premarital relationships.