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Open Access#162017

Attitudes Towards World War II Collaboration in Belgium: Effects on Political Positioning Towards the Amnesty Issue in the Two Main Linguistic Communities


Open Access#172013

Detecting outliers: Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median


Open Access#182003

Driving European identification through discourse: Do nationals feel more European when told they are all similar?


Open Access#192013

Mnemonic differences and similarities across opposing social groups : the linguistic conflict at the University of Leuven as a case study


Open Access#202013

Mnemonic differences and similarities across opposing social groups: The linguistic conflict at the University of Leuven as a case study


Open Access#212013

Mnemonic differences and similarities across opposing social groups : the linguistic conflict at the University of Leuven as a case study


Open Access#222011

Memoria de conflictos, conflictos de memorias :un abordaje psicosocial y filosófico del rol de la memoria colectiva en los procesos de reconciliación intergrupal


Open Access#232003

Driving European Identification through Discourse: Do Nationals Feel More European When Told they are all Similar?


Open Access#242012

A Waffle-shaped Model on How Realistic Dimensions of the Belgian Conflict Structure Collective Memories and Stereotypes


Open Access#252012

A waffle-shaped model for how realistic dimensions of the Belgian conflict structure collective memories and stereotypes


Open Access#262012

A waffle-shaped model for how realistic dimensions of the Belgian conflict structure collective memories and stereotypes


Article(electronic)#27July 28, 2011

Perceived out-group (Dis)continuity and attribution of responsibility for the Lebanese Civil War mediate effects of national and religious subgroup identification on intergroup attitudes

In: Group processes & intergroup relations: GPIR, Volume 15, Issue 2, p. 179-192

ISSN: 1461-7188

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Open Access#282019

Greedy elites and poor lambs: How young Europeans remember the great war


Open Access#292020

Do public speeches induce "collective" forgetting? The Belgian King's 2012 summer speech as a case study


Open Access#302020

Do public speeches induce "collective" forgetting? The Belgian King's 2012 summer speech as a case study