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The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008: The Mediterranean Way Towards Industrialization

In: Environmental History

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Book chapter(electronic)#25521997

Industrialisierung des Krankenhauses? Neue betriebliche Produktionskonzepte in der Patientenversorgung

In: Differenz und Integration: die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften ; Verhandlungen des 28. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie im Oktober 1996 in Dresden ; Band 2: Sektionen, Arbeitsgruppen, Foren, Fedor-Stepun-Tagung, p. 278-282

Article(electronic)#2554December 2003

Why Isn't the Whole of Spain Industrialized? New Economic Geography and Early Industrialization, 1797–1910

In: The journal of economic history, Volume 63, Issue 4, p. 995-1022

ISSN: 1471-6372

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Open Access#25551986

The early stages of industrialization and economic development in Turkey ; Türkiye'de sanayileşmenin ve ekonomik kalkınmanın ilk aşamaları


Article(electronic)#2556July 1, 1990

Industrialization and Household and Family Life Course Characteristics: Appalachian Kentucky Young Adults in 1880 and 1910

In: Journal of family history: studies in family, kinship and demography, Volume 15, Issue 3, p. 285-312

ISSN: 1552-5473

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Third World indebted industrialization: international finance and state capitalism in Mexico, Brazil, Algeria, and South Korea

In: International organization, Volume 35, Issue 3, p. 407-431

ISSN: 1531-5088

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Open Access#25582018

The industrialization of Algeria: The property rights obstacle ; Industrialisation de l'Algérie. L'obstacle des droits de propriété


Open Access#25592018

The industrialization of Algeria: The property rights obstacle ; Industrialisation de l'Algérie. L'obstacle des droits de propriété


Open Access#25602018

The industrialization of Algeria: The property rights obstacle ; Industrialisation de l'Algérie. L'obstacle des droits de propriété


Open Access#25612018

The industrialization of Algeria: The property rights obstacle ; Industrialisation de l'Algérie. L'obstacle des droits de propriété


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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#25642020

Towards Pragmatic Economic Policies: Economic Transformation and Industrialization for Revival of Zimbabwe in the New Dispensation Era