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International relations in a regional context: Poland and its eastern neighbours - Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine

In: Europe Asia studies, Volume 45, Issue 3, p. 395-418

ISSN: 0966-8136

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World Affairs Online

Book(electronic)#18636320212 versions available

Cases, materials and text on national, supranational and international non-discrimination law

In: Ius Commune casebooks for the common law of Europe no. 4

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Article(electronic)#18636620. Februar 2015

The Holy See and Children's Rights: International Human Rights Law and Its Ghosts

In: Nordic journal of international law, Volume 84, Issue 1, p. 59-88

ISSN: 1571-8107

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Taking Armed Groups Seriously: Ways to Improve their Compliance with International Humanitarian Law

In: Journal of international humanitarian legal studies, Volume 1, Issue 1, p. 5-51

ISSN: 1878-1527

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Open Access#1863702014

ESO-ESMO 2nd international consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC2)


Article(electronic)#1863711. November 2018

The politics of evaluation in international organizations: A comparative study of stakeholder influence potential

In: Evaluation: the international journal of theory, research and practice, Volume 25, Issue 1, p. 62-79

ISSN: 1461-7153

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Open Access#1863731998

Frontier impedance effects and the growth of international exchanges: an empirical analysis for France


Open Access#1863741998

Frontier impedance effects and the growth of international exchanges: an empirical analysis for France


Open Access#1863751998

Frontier impedance effects and the growth of international exchanges: an empirical analysis for France