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Perspektiven einer neuen europäischen Sicherheitsordnung: die Mitverantwortung Österreichs: Perspectives of a new European security order: Austria's share of responsibility ; Sympsium, Wien, 21.-22. Oktober 1997

In: Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie / Symposien, Tagungen, Konferenzen, 3/98

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World Affairs Online

Article(electronic)#152January 10, 2022

Chemical and microbiological changes in the soil mediated by different vegetative coverings in a Natal orange orchard

In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Volume 43, Issue 1, p. 331-350

ISSN: 1679-0359

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Article(electronic)#153January 19, 2021

The no-tillage, with crop rotation or succession, can increase the degree of clay dispersion in the superficial layer of highly weathered soils after 24 years

In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Volume 42, Issue 1, p. 57-70

ISSN: 1679-0359

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