Die Regime zur Kontrolle nuklearer, biologischer und chemischer Waffen
In: Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace and Organization, Volume 83, Issue 2-3
The regimes to control weapons of mass destruction fulfill important security functions & contribute to preventing terrorism using these weapons. An analysis based on regime theory reveals stabilizing & destabilizing tendencies as well as conflicts along a north-south divide. In the nuclear non-proliferation regime, the discrimination between nuclear & non-nuclear weapons states, combined with the insufficient implementation of the disarmament obligation, has a destabilizing effect. The biological weapons regime shows a new dynamic regarding biosecurity, but also continuing conflicts over technological exchange & verification. Although the chemical weapons regime appears to be the most stable, urgent action is needed to mitigate & prevent conflicts in the areas of, for example, verification & disarmament. In order for the regimes to effectively fulfill their tasks, structural deficits need to be redressed, & the disarmament, nonproliferation as well as cooperation obligations all need to be implemented fully & in a balanced way. References. Adapted from the source document.
Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin Germany
ISSN: 0340-0255
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