
Chemoreceptors in Respiratory Control

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Hypoxia-Induced Intermitochondrial Junctions in the Rabbit Carotid-Body: An Ultrastructural and Experimental Study -- Ultrastructural Studies of the Cat Carotid Body Perfused for Short Periods with Physiological Saline Solutions -- Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Laryngeal Nerve Paraganglia -- Central Terminations of Carotid Body Chemoreceptor Afferents -- Vascular Geometry of Arterial Chemoreceptors: Learning about the Carotid Body by Studying Paraganglia of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve -- Altered Function of Cat Carotid Body Chemoreceptors in Prolonged Hyperoxia -- Glycolysis as a Link for Chemoreception? -- Spectrophotometric Studies on Carotid Body Tissue -- ATP Content in the Cat Carotid Body under Different Experimental Conditions. Support for the Metabolic Hypothesis -- Pathways for Calcium Entry into Type I Cells: Significance for the Secretory Response -- Effects of Cyanide and Acetylcholine on Extracellular K+ and Ca++ Activities in the Cat Carotid Body -- Application of the Chemiluminescent Method to Carotid Body for Detecting Choline and Acetylcholine -- Monoamine Content and Metabolism in the Rabbit Carotid Body -- A Comparative Study of the Metabolism of Catecholamines in the Rabbit and Cat Carotid Body -- Release of Catecholamines by Electrical Stimulation of the Cat Carotid Sinus Nerve in Vitro -- Dopamine and 3, 4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid Concentrations in Rat Carotid Body: The Effects of Chronic Hypoxia and Hyperoxia from Birth -- Prolonged Hyperoxia and Oligomycin have Similar Effects on Cat Carotid Body Chemoreceptors -- In Vitro Carotid Chemoreceptor Response to Hypoxia and Hypercapnia after Reserpinization or AMPT-Treatment in the Rabbit and in the Cat -- Regulation of Neuropeptide Levels in Sensory Receptors and Autonomic Ganglia -- Origin of Respiratory Oscillations in Chemoreceptor Discharge -- Afferent Activity in the Sinus Nerve of the Rabbit after Regeneration -- The Role of the Carotid Body in Acclimatization to Hypoxia -- The Role of the Peripheral Arterial Chemoreceptors in the Cardiovascular Responses of the Cat to Acute Systemic Hypoxia -- The Effect of Premature Delivery on Chemoreceptor Sensitivity in the Lamb -- Studies of Chemoreceptor Resetting after Hyperoxic Ventilation of the Fetus in Utero -- The Chemoreception of Hypoxia and Hypercapnia: Further Evidence for a Dual Sensing Mechanism -- Carotid Body Chemoreceptor Response to Transient Arterial Occlusion -- The Carotid Bodies in Coarctation of the Aorta -- The Carotid Bodies in a Case of Ventricular Septal Defect -- Histological Changes Associated with Ageing of the Human Carotid Body -- Slow Ventilatory Dynamics in Hypoxic Patients with Obstructive Airways Disease -- Propranolol Treatment Inhibits the Carotid Body Vascular Changes Evoked by Long-Term Hypoxia -- Acetylcholine- and Dopamine-Induced Excitation of Cultured Newborn Rabbit Nodose Ganglion Neurons: Effects of Co-Culture with Carotid Body Fragments -- Pharmacological Studies on Opioid Receptors in the Cat Carotid Body -- Chemoexcitation Evoked by Adenosine: Pharmacological Characterisation of the Receptor -- Adenosine Modulation of Respiration Mediated by Carotid Body Chemoreceptors -- Interference by Domperidone on Chemosensory and Ventilatory Responses to Dopamine -- The Double Reflexogenic Action of Lobeline, Acetylcholine and Cyanides on the Carotid Body, Influence of Phentolamine and Sulpiride -- Power Spectral Analysis of Chemoreceptor Discharges During Asphyxia and after Administration of Almitrine Bismesylate -- Peripheral Chemoreceptor Stimulation and Pulmonary Circulation in the Rat -- Almitrine Anatagonizes the Depressant Effect of the Morphinomimetic Agent, Fentanyl on Bulbar Respiratory Neurons -- Effects of Chronic Hypoxia on Chemoreceptor Function in the Newborn -- Reduction in Dopaminergic Activity in the Rat Carotid Body after Acute or Chronic Almitrine -- Carotid Body Responses to Administration of Almitrine Bismesylate -- Kinetics of Almitrine Bismesylate and its Metabolites in the Carotid Body and Other Tissues of the Rat.




Springer Netherlands



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