
Documents on the Nineteenth Century United Kingdom Constitution: Volume III: Institutions



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Volume III: InstitutionsGeneral IntroductionVolume 3 IntroductionPart 1. Monarchs and Administrations1. Samuel Romilly:Change of Administration 2. Lord Erskine:Change of Administration 3. Robert Peel:The Address 4. Lord John Russell:Address in Answer to the Speech 5. Walter Bagehot:The English Constitution 6. Austin Holyoake:Would a Republican Form of Government Be Suitable to England? 7. Lord Curzon:Parliament Bill Vote of Censure Part 2. The Prime Minister8. Lord Melville to Mr. Addington9. Sir Robert Peel, Lord Rosebery10. Sidney Low:The Governance of England 11. The Prime Minister s Precedence, J.S. (⁰́₈Jack) Sandars to Lord Knollys12. Chequers Estate Act, 1917Part 3. Cabinet13. George Canning to Lord Malmesbury14. Lord Castlereagh:Lord Ellenborough s Seat in the Cabinet 15. Walter Bagehot:The English Constitution 16. Minutes of a Meeting of the War Cabinet 17. Draft Rules of Procedure for the War CabinetPart 4. Administrations and Mandates18. Benjamin Disraeli:Commercial Policy 19. Sir Robert Peel:Resignation of the Ministry 20. William Gladstone:Defeat of the Government on the Irish Church Resolutions 21. Marquess of Hartington:Government of Ireland Bill Part 5. Civil Service and Machinery of Government22. Report on the Organisation of the Permanent Civil Service 23. Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit24. Anthony Trollope, An Autobiography25. Report of the Machinery of Government Committee (⁰́₈Haldane report), 1918 26. Subcommittee Appointed to Consider the Position after the War of Women Holding Temporary Appointments in Government DepartmentsPart 6. Parliament6. 1 General27. Edmund Burke:Economical Reform 28. Sir Robert Peel:Resignation of Ministers 29. Sir Robert Peel:Confidence in the Ministry 30. Earl of Rosebery:Motion for a Select Committee (House of Lords Reform) 31. A. V. Dicey, Law of the Constitution (the Sovereignty of Parliament)32. A. J. Balfour:New Procedure Rules (for the House of Commons) 33. Earl of Clarendon:House of Lords Reform 6.2 Commons-Lords Relations34. Earl Grey:Ministerial Arrangements 35. Lord Chelmsford:Paper Duty Repeal Bill 36. Lord Salisbury:Irish Church Bill 37. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman:Education (England and Wales) Bill 38. Herbert Henry Asquith:Parliament Bill 39. Ramsey MacDonald:Parliament Bill 40. Parliament Act, 1911Part 7. Local Government41. Municipal Corporations Act, 183542. Lydia Becker:The Rights and Duties of Women in Local Government 43. Local Government Act, 188844. London Government Act, 1899Part 8. The Courts and the Legal System45. Judicial Committee Act, 183346. County Courts Act, 184647. Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 187648. Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873Index

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Documents on the Nineteenth Century United Kingdom Constitution. Volume III, Institutions

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Documents on the Nineteenth Century United Kingdom Constitution: Volume III: Institutions



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