Article(electronic)August 10, 2020

Modern models of internation migration research

In: Hrani: naukovo-teoretyčnyj alʹmanach, Volume 23, Issue 5, p. 15-27

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Current global trends (collapse of bipolar and the formation of a new world system of interstate relations; intensification of international economic, social, cultural interactions; formation of the global labor market; mitigation of migration regimes in most countries; search for optimal models of migration and ethnonational policy in donor and recipient societies migration flows, etc.) create the preconditions for in-depth scientific understanding of international migration.Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of migration are successfully developing within the interdisciplinary approach, which, however, today is still less common than economic, demographic and sociological approaches. The subject fields of these disciplines are correlated through the clarification of what "exactly" are migration processes and what are their consequences. The main "bridges between disciplines" are common ideas about a set of dependent and independent variables. At the same time, different disciplines prioritize the influence of certain variables, and interdisciplinary integration, obviously, should be based on the rejection of such prioritization.It was found that the basis for interdisciplinary integration can be the construction of a systematic view of the factors of migratory behavior. Ensuring interdisciplinary integration is facilitated by the development of cross-cutting concepts and categories of migration theory. An analysis of the discourse formed in the discussion between proponents of different disciplinary approaches shows that concepts such as "repulsion and attraction factors", "migratory attitudes", "choice", "risk", "losses and benefits" are pervasive for integrative migration theory. migration "," intercultural interaction "," adaptation ", etc. Migration decisions are a crucial stage in the structure of the migration process.It is established that sociological approaches to the study of international labor migration have come a long way from understanding the labor migrant as a foreigner and a victim of social exclusion to his vision as a "source of capitalist spirit." Negative attitudes towards migrants and migration were gradually replaced by the introduction into scientific circulation of the assumption of a significant impact of migrants on the course of economic life in the recipient countries. This allowed to solve another important methodological problem of individual and social in mass migration from one country to another, and the study of labor migration has reached a new scientific level.


Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University

ISSN: 2413-8738



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