Open Access BASE2021

Europol and International Cooperation in the Fight against Crime


The history of creation of the European police organization - Europol, its organizational structure, competence and subject of jurisdiction is analyzed. The main directions of Europol's activity on scientific and technical assistance in the investigation of crimes and information support of law enforcement agencies of the EU countries are considered. The issue of Europol's cooperation with countries, including Ukraine, is being studied. International cooperation of states in the fight against crime is the cooperation of states aimed at developing and coordinating measures to prevent, detect crimes and treat criminals, as well as to develop comprehensive goals and objectives aimed at minimizing transnational and domestic illegal actions. The main features of Europol are studied. The main directions of activity, functions, powers of Europol in the field of fight against transnational crime are revealed. At the present stage, cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the fight against crime is being strengthened. The European Union is interested in deepening cooperation in this area with our country, as the level of crime in the EU is significantly affected by the criminogenic situation in Ukraine - the Union's immediate neighbor. For Ukraine, the development of cooperation with the EU is important not only in the context of specific practical tasks in the fight against various forms of crime, taking into account the experience and technical assistance of the Union, but also the necessary direction of internal development to meet EU membership criteria. According to the analyzed data, it is established that the law enforcement activity of the European Union is based on the protection of European society and the implementation of security policy to combat crime at the international level, while the principle of decentralization strengthens and strengthens cooperation between regional law enforcement agencies. The standards of the police and judiciary, formed today by the experience of European countries, are an ...

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