Open Access BASE2019

A Review Paper on Management of Big Data


Big Data is everywhere around us.In previous era,there is an increase in demand of big data,business analytics and work environment.The big data is dominantly practice-driven,the corporations are exploring how big volume of data can be used to produce and store values for the company and governments.Though the machine learning and web analytics is to guess the action of the individuals,choice of the consumer or search action.Big Data is rapid tool that not only study patterns, but also give the diving possibility of an event.Corporations have stepped on the trend of using the big capacity of data that is forever increasing,often in terra or petabytes,to better guess results with large accuracy.The United Nation has passed another initiative named Global Pulse that manipulates new digital data sources such as mobile calls or mobile payments.Now big data has become a mainstream as a corporate terms,there is a small published management scholarship that handles the provocation of using such tools.In this research paper, we explore about the concepts of Big Data and how to manage it.

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