Open Access BASE2020

Accounting of Liquidation Processes of Enterprise ; Бухгалтерский учет процесса ликвидации предприятия ; БУХГАЛТЕРСЬКИЙ ОБЛІК ПРОЦЕСУ ЛІКВІДАЦІЇ ПІДПРИЄМСТВА


Process of liquidation is objectively summoned in the ongoing of public, economic, andsocial spheres of business activity. It represents the natural development of humanity. Due to the dynamic changes in customers' preferences and needs some entities, that could not adjust, disappear while new and more flexible, modern ones start its concern. Accounting meets the information needs of interested persons from the moment of the entities' creation until its liquidation. And the process of liquidation is no less important than other stages of business activity, at the same time, with some stated by the law features. Therefore, the chosen problem for the article is extremely important. The purpose of this work is to investigate the liquidation procedure and the peculiarities of accounting of this process. During the execution of the research were used the following scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, deductive method, method of analogy, modeling, system approach, the method of abstraction. The paper considers the process of liquidation by the owners' decision, its legal regulation and the application of the accounting method on all its stages. In particular the procedure for the liquidation of an entity from the moment when the decision on liquidation is made until the record of termination of business activity in the Unified state register is done. The features of the inventories measurement and stock-take principles of the enterprise which is liquidated are disclosed, the use of special accounts and regulations for presenting of financial statement and its forms are summarized. The research done has shown that the liquidation procedure is clearly regulated by economic, civil, tax, labor legislation on the all relative stages. The features of accounting methods are also described in order to increase the level of reliability and timeliness of presentation of accounting information and maximizing of the amount of accounts payable settlements with the assets of the entity. ; В работе рассмотрен процесс ликвидации предприятия по решению собственников, его нормативно-правовое регулирование, а также применение методов бухгалтерского учета на его этапах. В частности, определены особенности проведения оценки и инвентаризации на предприятии, которое ликвидируется, раскрыто использование специальных счетов бухгалтерского учета и составления форм финансовой отчетности, используемых при ликвидации. ; У роботі розглянуто процес ліквідації підприємства за рішенням власників, його нормативно-правове регулювання, а також застосування методів бухгалтерського обліку на його етапах. Зокрема, визначено особливості проведення оцінки та інвентаризації на підприємстві, що ліквідується, розкрито використання спеціальних рахунків бухгалтерського обліку та складання форм фінансової звітності, що використовуються під час ліквідації.

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