Open Access BASE2019

Towards a robust human rights & equality framework : scoping consultation


Questions posed: Do you think that human rights and equality are sufficiently protected and promoted in Malta? If not: Which human rights do you believe need further protection and promotion? How can Malta better protect and promote human rights and equality overall? Are there any models that you would propose that government should consider looking at in terms of legislation, institutional frameworks or both? If yes, what is especially good about such models? Due to the fact that question (b) is broader in scope and consequence than question (a), it shall be dealt with first. A brief look into specific rights, which should serve only as an example of the many rights that need further protection, will then follow with regard to question (a), whilst the answers to question (c) will be incorporated into the first section. An observation is made about question (a) of the consultation: While it was understandable and conceivable that it is asked if the protection of any specific right seems particularly lacking, the latter part of the question, 'Which human rights do you believe need further promotion?' seemed anomalous to the very notion of universal human rights as proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is the Programme's belief that all human rights should be promoted with equal vigour. How can Malta better protect and promote human rights and equality overall? It is the Programme's tenet that a more holistic approach should be taken in protecting and promoting human rights and equality. Doing so would allow for the development of a culture of human rights wherein it is understood that such rights are universal, indivisible and inalienable and would thereby bring Maltese human rights protection within the standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1950. In this regard, while several positive measures aimed at providing individuals with access to their human rights have been adopted in recent years, it would be remiss not to acknowledge that the Maltese system of human rights protection is still lacking in a number of areas. ; peer-reviewed

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