Open Access BASE2016

Measuring Gas Concentration and Wind Intensity in a Turbulent Wind Tunnel with a Mobile Robot


This paper presents themeasurement of gas concentration and wind intensity performed with amobile robot in a customturbulent wind tunnel designed for experimentation with customizable wind and gas leak sources.This paper presents the representation in different information layers of the measurements obtained in the turbulent wind tunnel under different controlled environmental conditions in order to describe the plume of the gas and wind intensities inside the experimentation chamber.Theinformation layers have been generated from the measurements gathered by individual onboard gas and wind sensors carried out by an autonomous mobile robot. On the one hand, the assumption was that the size and cost of these specialized sensors do not allow the creation of a net of sensors or other measurement alternatives based on the simultaneous use of several sensors, and on the other hand, the assumption is that the information layers created will have application on the development and test of automatic gas source location procedures based on reactive or nonreactive algorithms. ; This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica: TEC2011-26143 and TEC2014-59229-R and by the Government of Catalonia (Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca, Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa) and the European Social Fund (ECO/1639/2013).




Hindawi Publishing Corporation



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