Open Access BASE2013

Obrazovanje pedagoga u svetlu reforme univerziteta - od Skandinavije do Balkana (II deo) ; Podgotovka pedagogov v cvete reformy universiteta: Ot Skandinavii do Balkan /čast' vtoraja/ ; Education of pedagogues in the light of the university reform: From Scandinavia to the Balkans (second part)


Predmet ovog članka jeste institucionalni i programski preobražaj studija pedagogije u sklopu aktuelne univerzitetske reforme u skandinavskim zemljama, u zemljama nemačkog govornog područja, kao i u zemljama Južne i Istočne Evrope. Analizirana su iskustva reforme obrazovanja pedagoga i nastavnika na najbolje rangiranim univerzitetima navedenih zemalja sa ciljem da se razjasne neka otvorena pitanja profilisanja pedagoškog kadra u svetu i kod nas. U tom kontekstu posebno se analizira obrazovna uloga opštih i područno-specifičnih pedagoških disciplina. Ukazuje se na činjenicu da naša praksa u ovoj oblasti nesumnjivo pripada evropskoj tradiciji, ali da je potrebno učiniti dosta napora kako bi se ona punopravno integrisala u evropski obrazovni prostor i uticala na uspostavljanje adekvatne uloge pedagoške nauke u kreiranju obrazovnog sistema na nacionalnom nivou. Sagledane su neke od istorijskih okolnosti koje su uticale ili još uvek utiču na akademski status pedagogije i njoj srodnih disciplina i pledira se za preuzimanje aktivne uloge univerzitetskih centara za pedagoško obrazovanje i istraživanje u stvaranju politike i prakse obrazovanja kod nas, a u skladu sa najboljom tradicijom autonomije univerziteta i njegove odgovornosti za vođenje javnih politika. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179060: Modeli procenjivanja i strategije unapređivanja kvaliteta obrazovanja u Srbiji. ; The subject of this paper is institutional and programmed transformation of the pedagogy studies in the context of actual University reform in the Scandinavian countries of the German speaking area as well as the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe. Experience of the reform of educating of teachers has been analysed at the best ranked universities of the stated countries with the aim of discussing some open questions of profiling pedagogical experts in the world and in our country. In this context, educational role of general and area specific pedagogical disciplines is being analysed. We are pointing at the fact that our praxis in this area undoubtedly belong to European tradition, but it is necessary to a lot of effort so that it can be fully integrated into European educational area and influence on crating adequate role of the pedagogical science in creating educational system at the national level. Some historical occurrences have been observed which influenced and still influence academic status of pedagogy and similar disciplines and it is being advocated to take active role of university centres for pedagogical education and research in creating politics and praxis of education in our country, in accordance with the best tradition of University autonomy and its responsibility for leading public politics.

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