Open Access BASE1915

A treatise on the military law of the United States : together with the practice and procedure of courts-martial and other military tribunals



opinions of the judge-advocate general, and the manual for courts-martial. ; Appendices: A. The Prince Rupert articies. B. The British articles of 1874. C. The American articles of 1776. D. The amendments of 1786. E. The articles of 1806. F. Forms of charges. G. Forms of pleas, etc. H-L. Forms of record: General court-martial; Special court-martial; Summary court-martial; Retiring board; Board of examination. M. Form of return to the writ of habeas corpus. N. Miscellaneous forms. O. Maximum punishment order. P. Table of cross references to the army regulations, the digest of ; "List of authorities cited in the peparation of this work": p. xi-xiv. ; Total issue, four thousand. ; Mode of access: Internet.




New York : John Wiley & sons, inc.

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