Open Access BASE2012

Globalisation and the Proliferation of Borders: A Review of Critical Border Studies ; Globalización y proliferación de fronteras: una reseña de los estudios críticos de fronteras


This review-essay analyses an emerging interdisciplinary literature that studies contemporary bordering practices. This historical period is marked by the end of the Cold War, Globalisation, Postcoloniality and the War on Terror. To give a name to this literature I adopt the term Critical Border Studies forwarded by Noel Parker and Nick Vaughan-Williams. In the texts reviewed one is able to identify three novel borderscapes; internal, differential and offshore borders. Review-essay of: BISWAS, Shampa y NAIR, Sheila (eds.), International Relations and States of Exception: Margins, Peripheries, and Excluded Bodies, Routledge, Oxon, 2010. DE GENOVA, Nicholas y PEUTZ, Nathalie (eds.), The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space and the Freedom of Movement, Duke University Press, Durham, 2010. NYERS, Peter y RYGIEL, Kim (eds.), Citizenship, Migrant Activism and the Politics of Movement, Routledge, Londres, 2012. SQUIRE, Vicki (ed.), The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity, Routledge, Londres, 2011. VAUGHAN-WILLIAMS, Nick, Border politics: the limits of sovereign power, Edinburgh University Press, Edimburgo, 2009. ; En este review-essay se reseñará una bibliografía interdisciplinar emergente que analiza la práctica de las fronteras en la actualidad. Este período histórico está marcado por el fin de la Guerra Fría, la globalización, la postcolonialidad y la Guerra Contra el Terrorismo. Para dar nombre a este trabajo académico adoptaremos una denominación introducida por Noel Parker y Nick Vaughan-Williams: "los Estudios Críticos de Fronteras" (ECF). En los textos revisados se pueden identificar tres nuevos paisajes fronterizos: fronteras internas, fronteras discriminatorias y fronteras externas. Review-essay de: BISWAS, Shampa y NAIR, Sheila (eds.), International Relations and States of Exception: Margins, Peripheries, and Excluded Bodies, Routledge, Oxon, 2010. DE GENOVA, Nicholas y PEUTZ, Nathalie (eds.), The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space and the Freedom of Movement, Duke University Press, Durham, 2010. NYERS, Peter y RYGIEL, Kim (eds.), Citizenship, Migrant Activism and the Politics of Movement, Routledge, Londres, 2012. SQUIRE, Vicki (ed.), The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity, Routledge, Londres, 2011. VAUGHAN-WILLIAMS, Nick, Border politics: the limits of sovereign power, Edinburgh University Press, Edimburgo, 2009.


Spanish; Castilian


Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

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