Open Access BASE2017



AbstrakPengadaan pegawai yang baik akan membantu terwujudnya tujuan organisasi. Oleh karena itu penting melakukan perekrutan dan seleksi untuk memperoleh dosen dan koordinator lapangan (Korlap) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perekrutan dan seleksi dosen dan Korlap pada Undana II Bajawa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, telaah dokumen dan observasi dengan informan sebanyak lima orang terdiri dari Ketua Pengelola, Kepala Seksi Sarana dan Prasarana, Dosen Terbang dan Dosen Kontrak, serta Korlap yang dianggap mampu memberikan informasi seputar pengadaan dosen dan Korlap pada Undana II Bajawa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Aspek Perekrutan belum sesuai standar perekrutan tenaga kependidikan karena masih dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan politik dan hubungan kekerabatan. Juga, perekrutan calon dosen tetap masih mengutamakan putra daerah. Namun secara umum, proses perekrutan sudah sangat baik karena dilaksanakan secara terbuka dan transparan. Selanjutnya 2 proses penyeleksian dosen/ tenaga kependidikan, sudah sesuai dengan standard dan prosedur yang ada, dimana dosen/ tenaga kependidikan tetap memasukkan syarat yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Undana dan juga mengikuti serangkaian tes, baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis (wawancara).Kata Kunci: Perekrutan, Seleksi, Dosen, Koordinator Lapangan, Universitas Nusa Cendana II BajawaAbstractGood employee recruitment can contribute to the attainment of organizational goals. Therefore it is important to carry out recruitment and selection processes in an attempt to obtain lecturers and field coordinators (Korlap) based on needs in terms of quality and quantity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the recruitment and selection of lectures and field coordinators at Undana II Bajawa. The method used is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection employed interviews, document review and observation techniques. Five informants were involved, consisting of the Chief Manager, Chief Infrastructures, Contract and Fellow Lecturers, as well as field coordinator members who were considered able to provide information about recruitment of lecturer and field coordinator at Undana II Bajawa. The results of this study show that: 1) aspect of recruitment has not conformed to the standards of education personnel recruitment as it is influenced by political forces and kinship. Furthermore, recruitment of candidates for tenured faculty still give a positive discrimination towards "Putra Daerah†(those who were born in the disstrict) In general, however, the process of recruitment has been excellent as it is openly and transparent. Furthermore, 2 the process of selecting faculty / staff, has conformed to the standard lecturers / educators submit terms and conditions set forth by Undana, and they also take a series of tests both written and oral (interview).Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Lecturer, Field Coordinator, University of Nusa Cendana II BajawaAbstrakPengadaan pegawai yang baik akan membantu terwujudnya tujuan organisasi. Oleh karena itu penting melakukan perekrutan dan seleksi untuk memperoleh dosen dan koordinator lapangan (Korlap) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perekrutan dan seleksi dosen dan Korlap pada Undana II Bajawa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, telaah dokumen dan observasi dengan informan sebanyak lima orang terdiri dari Ketua Pengelola, Kepala Seksi Sarana dan Prasarana, Dosen Terbang dan Dosen Kontrak, serta Korlap yang dianggap mampu memberikan informasi seputar pengadaan dosen dan Korlap pada Undana II Bajawa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Aspek Perekrutan belum sesuai standar perekrutan tenaga kependidikan karena masih dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan politik dan hubungan kekerabatan. Juga, perekrutan calon dosen tetap masih mengutamakan putra daerah. Namun secara umum, proses perekrutan sudah sangat baik karena dilaksanakan secara terbuka dan transparan. Selanjutnya 2 proses penyeleksian dosen/ tenaga kependidikan, sudah sesuai dengan standard dan prosedur yang ada, dimana dosen/ tenaga kependidikan tetap memasukkan syarat yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Undana dan juga mengikuti serangkaian tes, baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis (wawancara). Kata Kunci: Perekrutan, Seleksi, Dosen, Koordinator Lapangan, Universitas Nusa Cendana II Bajawa AbstractGood employee recruitment can contribute to the attainment of organizational goals. Therefore it is important to carry out recruitment and selection processes in an attempt to obtain lecturers and field coordinators (Korlap) based on needs in terms of quality and quantity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the recruitment and selection of lectures and field coordinators at Undana II Bajawa. The method used is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection employed interviews, document review and observation techniques. Five informants were involved, consisting of the Chief Manager, Chief Infrastructures, Contract and Fellow Lecturers, as well as field coordinator members who were considered able to provide information about recruitment of lecturer and field coordinator at Undana II Bajawa. The results of this study show that: 1) aspect of recruitment has not conformed to the standards of education personnel recruitment as it is influenced by political forces and kinship. Furthermore, recruitment of candidates for tenured faculty still give a positive discrimination towards "Putra Daerah†(those who were born in the disstrict) In general, however, the process of recruitment has been excellent as it is openly and transparent. Furthermore, 2 the process of selecting faculty / staff, has conformed to the standard lecturers / educators submit terms and conditions set forth by Undana, and they also take a series of tests both written and oral (interview). Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Lecturer, Field Coordinator, University of Nusa Cendana II Bajawa

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