Open Access BASE2016

Syrian immigrant children in our country: a group at risk ; Ülkemizde göçmen Suriyeli çocuklar: risk altında bir grup


lt was agreed that the notion of emigration is the basic factor which effects people's life as social, cultural and politics throughout history. ln the events as disasters,wars and emigration women, but especially children are effected in terms of exploited labour and sexual much more than the other parts of society. Because of the Syrian civil war which has known as the last circle of arabian spring caos caused that the millions of people became as immigrant in the year of 2010. According to data of Turkey the numbers of immigrant have reached 1.552.839 in official records. But in unofficial records say its nearly 30,000 Also the data of united nations high commissioner for child refugees who only Iive in shelters 2013 has reported that immigrant has been reached 13,500 there is no data of the latest situation, we talked with the data of 2015.




Maltepe Üniversitesi

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