Open Access BASE2020

National cyber threat prevention mechanism as a part of the E-EWS


The research will find out feature-based functionalities concerning the national cybersecurity system HAVARO and how the system is possible to implement to the EU level early warning system. The research based on interviews, official materials concerning the HAVARO information sharing system, scientific literature and other official published documents. The European level decision-makers have recognized that lack of cooperation between EU member countries effects to completely public safety atmosphere. The only problem does not consist of separate operational functions and procedures between national Cyber situation centers. One main problem is that the European Union does not have a common cyber-ecosystem concerning intrusion detection systems for cyber-threats. The research will comprise a new database for the common Early Warning System concept. European EWS aims at delivering a security operations support tool enabling the members of the network to coordinate and share information in near real-time. Despite the development of the common EWS, partners can retain their fully independent management of cyber-sensitive information and related data management. ; peerReviewed

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